Paradise is an island in Thailand!

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October 22nd 2006
Published: October 22nd 2006
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Angkor WatAngkor WatAngkor Wat

The national icon of Cambodia at sunset
Hello there blog watchers,

Sorry for the delay in between the blog updates, I'm sure that you have spent many a disappointed hour checking for the latest news and adventures!

We're currently island hopping in the Gulf of Thailand - which has something to do with the lack of blogs as the weather is far too good to be sitting in an internet cafe and writing this.

Last time on 'The Jonny and Jill show' ...........

We were in Siem Reap in Cambodia and were about to go see the temples. Well we did that and they were absolutely amazing. They are over 800 years old and in fantastic condition. In the big temples (Angkor Wat and Bayon) the detail in the carvings was breath-taking - as was some of the steep flights of stairs that you had to climb! Jill was very brave and came up to the very high ones and swore a lot on the descent. I won't bore you with the details but we went into one of the temples where Tomb Raider was filmed and I posed catwalk style for some Japanese tourists (who funnily enough took pictures) - my attempt at
Who's looking at you kid?Who's looking at you kid?Who's looking at you kid?

One of the 270 faces carved in the towers of Bayon.
worldwide domination continues! If anyone wants to see the pictures we'll be thrilled to show you the 100 or so from the three days!

We then travelled for Siem Reap to Bangkok by bus. Now, if I asked you the following question: Is it quicker to travel from (a) Siem Reap to Bangkok (approx 500km) or (b) London Heathrow to Bangkok (approx 10,000km)?
Any of you who said (a) would be gloriously wrong! 14hrs it took (including a flat tyre) along some of the worst roads in the area which meant at times it was quicker to walk faster than the bus could travel in Cambodia.
After a night in Bangkok (no tanks or army people to be seen) we left for Ko Tao (little island) via Champorn, where we arrived at 9pm expecting there to be lots of travel agencies to buy a ticket for the over night boat- how wrong we were as it was a ghost town. Eventually after some anxious wandering we got lucky and found a guest house who informed us that there was no such boat! So we stayed the night and left in the morning!

Onto Ko Tao ...... one of the most beautful places in the world- fantastic beaches, clear water and not a tuk-tuk in sight!
We spent 5days there which involved laying on the beach and that's about it! We went on a day snorkelling trip which was excellent as we saw some beautiful coral, loads of fish and sharks! Although I must add that these were reef sharks and not the man-eating variety. Unfortunately Jill's bad luck on the health front continued as she ended up with a rather sunburnt bottom which made sitting down very uncomfortable for a few days!

We've spent the last few days on Ko Pha-Ngan (the home of the famous Full Moon Parties- which we arrived too late for!), which has been spent on the beach as well so not an awful to report I'm afraid! Apart from the enormous cockroach which I donned my superhero cape for to remove from the bathroom last night (it was f*cking massive- but I was very brave!).

Off to Ko Phi Phi tomorrow where 'The Beach' was filmed and unfortunately the Tsunami destroyed so it should be an experience.

As we seem to have a quick connection I'm gonna try to upload some pictures - however Man Utd vs Liverpool kicks off in about 5mins so don't hold your breath!

Hope the weathers good in Blighty ....... 'til next time!


23rd October 2006

Bliss is an island in Thailand
Any room for one more! Everything sounds amazing. Really jealous as I look out of the window this Monday morning and see grey clouds and rain. Never mind the clocks go back this weekend and we can be like mushrooms for several months - don't you worry about us all though whilst you're enjoying the sun - well not too much Jill! Take care xxxxx
23rd October 2006

Whoops mate - Liverpool sucked yesterday! Cheers for the update, looking forward to the next one already. Stupot out...
25th October 2006

no sympathy!
I have no sympathy for you young Jilly, keep those buns covered up in future!!!! :0)

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