Finally on the Road

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June 25th 2010
Published: June 25th 2010
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Finally! My trip has started! After a fairly awful flight from Perth to Singapore, umm when did Jetstar stop installing seats that recline??? I arrived ready to hit the streets.

My first port of call was Little India where after wandering around lost for a while I found the starting point for the walking tour and my tour guide Carol. I spent the next 2.5hrs wandering the streets and hearing about the history of Little India, all very interesting but the thing I wanted to do the most was to get my fortune told by a parrot, yes a parrot! Apparently its and ancient tradition amongs the indians in singapore and there is only one man left who does it. Unfortunately for me he chose this day to stay home so no fortune for me 😞

Finishing the tour at 1pm and after only a lousy burger king breakfast (just hash browns really) at the airport I was starving! So I head over to the Tekka Market which is a huge hawker centre with all sorts of food. In Singapore they rate the cleanliness of a food stall with a letter, A is best then B, C etc. According to the tour guide if you want A you best go to Macdonalds! lol Most of these guys were a B so after doing 2 laps and still not being able to decide, one of the stall holders made the decision for me, 'what you like', umm chicken 'you want sweet & sour, lemon chicken' ummm sweet and sour 'ok you sit'. So I sat and was promptly served a magnificent meal accompanied by my first tiger beer, does it get any better?

After fuelling up it was back to the MRT and over to Chinatown. 2 minutes into my stroll around Chinatown the heavens opened and I mean it bucketed down. After finding a corner to stand on (no not THAT kind of corner) I waited the downpour out with several others and whilst there purchased one of Singapores famous 'Ice Cream Sandwich'. This is essentially a block of ice cream wrapped in a piece of bread, but the bread is mulit coloured! Yum.

The rain continued so I decided I would just have to get wet and wandered through a few more markets before deciding Singpore obviously didnt like and I should just go back to the airport.

I'll be honest and say that my time at the Changi airport was not a happy one. Upon checkin for my flight to Koh Samui I was told that I needed to show the credit card I used to purchase the ticket, hmm thats a problem I lost that card months ago.....So after waiting an hour for the supervisor I was informed that I must purchase a new ticket and then in 30 days they will refund me. The point of this I hear you ask? Bangkok Airways just wants to make sure you are paying your own way....??? Anyway I paid the fare and off I went.

The flight was half an hour late getting in and I was subjected to the slowest passport control ever so I was a little worried that the guy from the hotel who said he would pick me up would not be there. But I needn't have worried, as I wandered out looking lost I heard a cry of 'Spotlight!' and there was Chloe to greet me, with a beer!

So after catching up over a few beers I headed to bed exhausted but ready for my Thailand adventure to really begin....


25th June 2010

Did you get my message
Hi Did you ge tmy personal mesage I dont know if it sent?????? Rely xxoo
26th June 2010

Spotlight Indeed
OK I have to be honest when I read your facebook status update about the whole airfare/credit card debacle......I laughed....a lot!!! I'm sorry. I know it wasn't funny for you at the time...but I was recalling your story of how the credit card got lost in the first place :-) and that no matter what you would never have had that credit card with you because of that night. All I can say about the flight is...well it is Jetstar :-) Anyway in between all this I hope you're not telling that you did not make use of the free foot massage chairs?????? I'm sure you could have used one after the flight or the walking :-) I read Chloe's blog before yours and laughed when I read the name of her blog.....perfection! Hopefully all the bad luck you're going to have is out of the way now and you can really hit the ground running. I have nothing important to tell you since you left except that Mel and I miss you already. I hope you two have a great time at the Full Moon Party....I hope there is no hair holding to be done (remember last Sunday??????) xxxxxxxx
26th June 2010

the fun begins!
Hi Lisa Loved reading the first instalment. sorry you had a bad experience at Changi - I LOVE that place and always enjoy stopovers there (yes even at the airport - we stayed at the hotel there once as Ric had a bad back and couldn't make it to our planned hotel. I spent a wonderful evening shopping while he rested!) This time last year we were in Singy en route to Europe - magic memories which I am reliving as I finally get around to labelling our photos! Looking forward to reading more. have fun and stay safe Love Cathy xx
5th July 2010

Ok, so rather late with the blog response- but better late than never I have to aggree with Carrie when i reac FB about the ticket i had a little giggle but could not believe that they made you pay for another ticket. Singapore sounds full of interesting stuff....... Great to hear you got there safely and that the journey can only get bigger and better x0x0

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