Ko Pha-Ngan

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April 26th 2010
Published: April 26th 2010
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Greetings from Ko Pha-Ngan!!

Firstly, I just wanted to let everyone know that the grenade attacks that occurred in Bangkok were nowhere near where we were staying, and we're all perfectly fine. We're far from the protests now and don't plan on going back for a while. Anyway... we left Bangkok and took a 12 hour overnight bus with a connecting bus in Sumat Thani (sp?) and a ferry from there to Ko Pha-Ngan. The entire trip cost us 450 baht, which is less than 15USD. We found the greatest little bungalows (Bird Bungalows) that are right on the beach, and we're paying 5 dollars a night. They're somewhat far removed from where the main party is but still on the same island (Haad Rin), which is absolutely perfect. The beach is fantastic and the water is beautiful (although the water is WARM, which is hilarious, because we all really want cold water these days - anyone who pays more for a warm shower in Thailand is crazy)!! Our bungalows don't have air conditioning, but we're slowly getting used to the humidity, which isn't too bad at night.

We've just been hanging out, really.. we went to Mellow Mountain last night (anyone who is familiar with Ko Pha-Ngan will know why!) and had a blast. We're all a bit sunburnt but no one really minds.. it's been a very relaxing, fun time!! Our plans tonight consist of hookah and going to a bar that plays movies. For us, it's the life!! We've also met some amazing backpackers (the backpacking culture here is AWESOME) but barely any Americans!!

Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well!! I think we'll be heading to Ko Tao next for some scuba diving and/or snorkeling (it's world famous for diving) and then onto Krabi and Phuket!!


26th April 2010

So jealous!!
Beth this sounds like so much fun! I'm sitting in Rock Island studying for finals...haha....totes jel. I am reading your blog getting excited for the fall! We need to keep in touch because I have convinced my parents I'm coming to see you... Have fun and be safe! -Emma
26th April 2010

I miss you guys!!!!! xoxoxoxo
Hi my loves :) I am sooooooooooo glad to hear that you are safe! I didn't even know about the grenade attacks until I read your posts! Wow, that's crazy and it's great that you are removed from that now. It sounds like you're having the time of your lives and I wish I were there...working on that. Everything is good back here in the States. I tried out for Glee! hahaha I think it went really well but I won't hear for a while probably. Love you miss you <3 xoxoxoxoxo

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