Long Time No Talk!

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March 17th 2006
Published: March 17th 2006
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Hey All!

Ahhhhhhh, so much has happened in the last couple of days! I can't believe I have to sum it all up right now! Okay, so first of all, we all got to Ko Pha Nhan safely! We were rushing around to find a place because it was practically all full for the FULL MOON PARTY! We found a crappy hut with spaces between the boards on the floor, with spiders crawling in and out all over the place, so Emily and I got the hells outa there, and the guys decided to stay! They were lucky because we had already paid for our room, so they had gotten a free nights accomidation on us. We went scrambling through the town to find a place, when we came accross 2 Kiwis (New Zealanders). They told us about this secluded beach away from all the Full Moon mayhem, and we quickly grabbed our bags and took the log-tail boat to Haad Yuan. It was paradise, maybe thats why were still here!

Weve been chilling ever since. The restaraunt attatched to our bungalows has movie night, so thats cool. We also went to Open Mike night at the Sanctuary yesterday (this is a place where pple do yoga, tantric stuff, and healing). It was really cool. These 2 guys even did B-Boxing together which was amazing!

Oh my gosh, have I mentioned Andrew yet??? We met this awesome guy named Andrew on the way back from a shopping excursion (me, Emily and Sarah Esch). Hes a 27 year old from Melbourne who we have had soooo much fun with the last couple of days. Right before the full moon party, Em and I were walking up to our bungalow, and a tarantula (thats what I called it) was right on our balcony! We ran and got him, because the funny thing was that we had been talking about deadly spiders in Australia all day. He killed it for us, but after missing a couple of times.

Okay, time for the full moon party story!!!!! We went, had a blast, met a bunch of people, saw lady-boys (which are Thai men who have become women). We stayed a little longer than we had planned. We got there at around 10:30 pm, stayed till 4:30 am! We even met up with Jeff and Jason a couple of times. We danced like crazy, met people and just had a great time. There were amazing fire dancers there. It was just absolutely unbelieveable. I mean 30 000 people on a beach for a party....can you imagine?

Another funny experience we have had is when we were lying on the beach sun bathing, a coconut fell from one of the palm trees right where Emily was about to move her chair! It coudve killed her! So we drank it for good luck, it was really bitter and gross though.

Oh my gosh.......yesterday was mine and Emily's first yoga class at the Sanctuary! It was awesome. We really found our inner beings...... just kidding. We were kind of distracting everyone by laughing every time we had to make a wierd hissing noise, to let all of the negative energy out or whatever. Andrew took us. Hes pretty into yoga, being hes a gymnast and all. It was fun though. A definate experience!

Other than that, weve been swimming tons! Getting bitten by sea lice (little mini jelly fish), and eaten by mosquitos at night!

After about 5 more days on this amazing beach, were going to head to Koh Tao to do our diving course. It costs about $300 CAD, but itll be well worth it if it can help us get sweet jobs in Australia. After that, well be heading to probably Cambodia to do our visa run, but being were there, we thought we'd stay a couple of days and check it out! We might even head up to Laos to check that out too!

Well, seeing how we kinda lost Jeff to some Australian girls, weve been hanging out with Jason alot. Hes now staying at the next beach to us. So thats good!

Hope this wasnt too long and boring for you all. Miss you and can't wait to hear from you! I love the comments, and please make sure theyre appropriate for me to post! Hahaha, Laura!

Marie 😊

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17th March 2006

Thats Awesome
It sounds like you're having alot of fun, me and a couple of friends are thinking of going down to australia after we graduate. I'm trying to save some money now. It would be awesome to go and maybe even meet up with you. Well have fun and keep sending e-mails. Love, Matt-Bro the best bro
18th March 2006

Wow the coconut is the funniest thing I've ever heard, and no offense Emily, but it actually would have been the coolest injury if you had become unconscious. Don't have too much fun PLLLEASE its not fair to others hahha, and sorry Marie for my un-appropriatness for choice of words, but you probably are so tanned. ANYWAYS BE SAFE LADIES ENJOY YOURSELFS, and please...next time you eat a deep fried banana, make a toast in honor of me, thanks. CHEERS

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