Traveling again

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February 4th 2006
Published: February 4th 2006
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Us snorkling at Koh Ma
Hey hey, another day on the island, actually our last day. I am currently waiting for the boat to leave for the mainland where we will take an overnight train to Bangkok, we got a sleeper train this time. spending one night, watching the Superbowl and then taking off to Cambodia to go to Ankor Watt. Last couple days has been pretty nice, went snorkling again, took some pictures.

Nursing a slight hangover today, we stayed true to what is becoming the stupid tradition of drinking the night before we are set to leave somewhere. Last night we were playing cards (shithead?...the british version of Asshole...kinda) with some people who decided to go out for some drinks. since our bungalo is pretty secluded, we had to hike through some jungle to get to the bar. Had some drinks, one of the guys we were with started gettting sick and kind of passed out on the beach, so we decided to split before we got stuck carrying him through the jungle in the middle of the night.

INJURY REPORT: Its been a farily consistant trip of getting injured or sick.... Leigh is over her bladder infection, and I am over

my food poisining..those are the big things..the little things:
LEIGH: blistered leg from bike tail pipe
bruised knee, elbow and shin from falling on some rocks at a waterfall (I got it on tape, its funny cause I say "dont slip" right before she slips
burnt top of mouth - from hot soup

JIM: Cut on toe from sharp coral
Something is also making me lose my hair....dont know what it is

Anyway, thats it, gots to get on a boat. Later


Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5



Pic of a stingray we chased around

Me at the bottom of the reef

Leigh getting a 7hr massage

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