Trip to Golden Triangle

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Rai
June 10th 2005
Published: June 11th 2005
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Early start today, 6am. Jumped into the minibus which took us up to Chaing Rai. We didn't realise how far away it actually was, but its not like we have to watch our time..

Our first stop was a Hot Water Spring, the tour guide seemed quite excited about it, but it wasn't that impressive. Smelt of gone off eggs, sulphur. We recognised this from a trip to a volcanic rainforest years ago in Dominica.

We headed off for a 3 hour drive to Chaing Rai city, stopping off on the way at a temple, which was very impressive, it was about 900 years old. Upon arrival in Chaing Rai we went to a place called the "Golden triangle", this is on the corner of Thailand / Laos / Burma. They are seperated by the Mekong river which runs right though South East Asia serving Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia into the China Sea. We got on a speedboat across the river into Laos where we wandered into a market place selling all kinds of strange things, cross bows / whisky containing various reptiles / textiles etc..

After heading back to Thailand we drove to a town on the border of Thailand / Burma. 3 guys on our trip had to hop across the border to get their visa's renewed. Not much to see in this town and we were told to be careful with our belongings as their were lots of thieves and beggars around.

We then went to see another hillside tribe, much the same as the tribe we visited yesterday. We were allowed into one of their houses and they showed us some of the instruments they use for catching their food and making clothing. It was amazing to see inside their house, I think we caught the guy off guard as he was only half dressed as we walked in ! We did notice a electric powered light on the ceiling though which made us think that perhaps they're not as self sufficient as we were led to believe.

After a painfully long drive back to Chang Mai (it was raining alot which slowed us down) we went for something to eat and drink with an English couple we had met on the trip. Food was very nice and reasonably priced.

We're having a chilled out day today (11th June) as were
Laos childrenLaos childrenLaos children

Say "cheese" !
heading off early tomorrow morning back to Bangkok to make our way to Cambodia.


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