The Kings Birthday celebrations

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Asia » Thailand » North-East Thailand
December 6th 2012
Published: January 4th 2013
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The kings birthday in Thailand is one hell of a celebration… not only did we get a day off for his actual birthday we also got to attend a massive party in the park the day after.

The Wednesday we had a lazy day around the pool in his majesty’s honour and on the Thursday went into school as usual but at lunch time we were taken out to borrow Thai clothes from one of the teachers families. (Which turned into a bit of a nightmare seems as I am just slightly above a size 0 and therefore everything was far too tiny for me, let alone my boobs which no-one seems to have in Thailand). Luckily we managed to find stuff to fit and we were then given the afternoon off to make ourselves look beautiful… like it would ever take me longer than 5 minutes!!

On the night we were all done up in traditional Thai dress and were picked up and taken to the big park where everyone was all dressed up and the park was all decorated. The evening consisted of free fruit punch, a buffet (including chicken nuggets!!) being told we were beautiful about 1000 times and having about 1000000 photos of us taken by people we had never even met. Literally everyone there wanted a photo with us, it was mental, I got sick of smiling in the end!!

The evening was rounded off by a lovely firework display… it was really nice but can’t imagine England ever getting so excited about the Queen’s birthday, especially as she has two!!

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