Thailand Oct 20 2013

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October 20th 2013
Published: October 29th 2013
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Oct 20 2013
Well today blended right into yesterday and the night, since we spent a good 12 hours on an overnight bus ride. I really hope the we don't have to do it again. Not only was the bus full but there was barely any leg room and it was a struggle to fall asleep. I really only got to sleep maybe 3 hours if I am lucky. We got to stop once for about an hour at midnight, where we were able grab some food, which was not that good. At that point I was in a bad place and was ready for the bus ride to be over with. The next 6 hours on the bus was not any better. Our next stop was a transfer station where we waited for about 2 hours for our next bus to the pier to catch a boat. The transfer station was a shitty little place that sold soda, chips, ice cream, and not so good looking sandwiches. There was also about 5 dogs just wondering around, looking healthier then dogs we have seen but still not looking too good, so we tried to avoid them.
So right about 8 am this guy calls to all of us to get onto this bus that had been sitting there since we showed up. We were on that bus for about 40 mins that took us to the boat which took about an hour and a half. So in the couple of days that we were in Bangkok we learned that there was a full moon party happening on Koh Pha ngan on the 19th. We missed it which was kind of a good thing and a bad thing. Upon arriving on Koh Pha ngan and stepping off the boat, there was a large line of people waiting to get off the island. Most of them looked horrible, looking very hung over, lacking of sleep and painted with neon paint. At this point we were thinking it was a good thing that we had missed the party. We then grabbed a taxi, which was a small pick-up with a cover over the bed, but not like the typical truck canopy you see in the states. After a short ride we arrived at our hostel where we would be staying for the next 4 days, the Shiralea Backpackers Resort. We booked a great little bungalow with two large beds, a hot shower and AC. There is a bar serving drinks and food as well as free wifi and a great pool. We are only about a two minute walk from the beach and a short taxi ride from town. Once arriving at the hostel there were two things we were in dire need of.......... food and a shower! After getting after those two things we headed down to the beach to check it out. We had a nice walk on the beach and a short dip in the beautiful water then headed back to the hostel for a dip in the pool where we met a few people from Canada, Australia, and England. After the pool it was getting to be about 5:30 and we decided it was time again for us to eat some food and have a couple of beers. Once completing dinner Sam R. and I were ready for bed. I was barely able to keep my eyes open, since I only got about three hours of sleep the night before. Sam R. and I were in bed about 7 pm and had a great sleep.


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