Biking around Ayutthaya

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May 31st 2007
Published: May 31st 2007
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Tough week at school. Teaching 7 year old English kids must be hard. Teaching 7 year old Thai kids who have no idea what you are saying and have no english books to use is next to impossible. I've started to learn a lot of Thai just so I can explain what i'm saying to them, but because the language is so tonal and distinctive, they don't understand a lot of my Thai either. Needless to say, incredibly rewarding when they do get it....unbelieveably frustrating the rest of the time! The best part of the week was singing "heads, shoulders, knees and toes" with the four year olds. I thought a few were going to bust a spleen laughing at me. Had the day off of school and went for a long bike ride out to the elephant krall and through the ruins. Heading to Bangkok tomorrow to meet up with some of the other teachers for the weekend.

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3 week old baby elephant3 week old baby elephant
3 week old baby elephant

The babies are so cute. They lumber around with their hands and feet (paws?) too big for them. If you turn your back, they run up and butt you from behind then lumber back to hide by their mother. We saw one nursing from its mom. crazy to see actual elephant boobs.

13th June 2007

Ziggied out
Hi Ame! You are so ziggified in that pic of you and the baby elephant, I love it!

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