Sports Day and a trip to the dentist

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November 15th 2006
Published: November 15th 2006
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[youtube=CYeM8rznT2o]ok so i'm just a few days late with the sports day update but ive been lazy and tired this week, go figure.
well sports day was interesting to say the least. leading up to saturday the student practied every day and the teachers got gifts! Sports day falls around the time of the schools birthday and it is part of the celebrations. for my gifts i received a lamp and a paper weight. note about the gufts here they are always practical, so much for something really cool.
i got to school at 8:15 and headed out to the field and on my way out kids were screaming at me, hellos and good morning. i think they were excited to see me outside of class at such a big event. once i got to the field i was told i had to lead the teachers in the begining of the processions. of couse this is a time when i get really shy and i just wanted to hide, i was already the "celebrity". everyone's attention was on me so why do i need to walk in front. oh well i walked by the principal and i had to wave to everyone. after all the teachers and important people were presented the students began their singing and dancing. each grade had a different song and dance. it was really fun! i was able to sit on the stage and watch all of it. it started with the 6th graders all the way down to the kindergartners. i have posted videos on the net and i will post the link later on. i really enjoyed watching the kids liked seeing me there. one 1st grader got particularly excited and i have it on video that you can see!

after what seemed like hours of dancing the races began. they did some fun relays and some running races. i mostly walked around and acted like the "superstar" I am here. the students all wanted to show me to thier parents. maybe im more like a throphy teacher, haha. im just for show i really dont teach! one of the funniest things all day was the alumni students who came back. most of them were in junior high and high school. they would walk over to the stage just to stare at me. some would say hi but if i said hi back the would laugh and run away. seriously i dont bite, but whatever. during the day i had to escape to the office and hide for a while, it gets exauhsting being so popular. heres and excerpt from and email i sent mary displaying my feelings for the day:

"in the states im your average white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes with a little ghettoness, but here....i'm a "SUPERSTAR" haha this is the funniest day ever, i feel like a movie star"

i hung out with my 4th graders for a while and one boy had even brought me tea! we took lots of pictures, i am really going to miss them. they were my favorite grade. (5th graders are scared of me and dont even talk to me, they just run away) after the morning races we had a break for lunch and nap time. i spent my lunch talking to one of the science teachers son who really likes english and studies it very hard. he is in 8th grade and he knows grammer better than me. i really enjoyed talking to him i told him anytime he wanted to practice to come hang out at the office cause i have no life.

after lunch the class relays started. each class choose 10 boys and 10 girls to run in thier classes relay. it was the exciting event of the day. they asked me to cheer over the loudspeaker but fortunatly i had to go pick muoy up at the train station so i didnt have to cheer at first. when i got back the 4th graders were racing and the shoved the mic in my hands so i cheered a little bit but i dont like doin stuff like that so i handed the mic back to people more qualified than me.

finally the display of the white girl was over and we could go home and rest before dinner. the teachers association paid for a really nice dinner. many of the teachers were there and we had a good time talking and eating until the hog hooves hit the table, and the offered me some. i had to politely decline cause SICK, SICK, SICK actual pigs feet on my you know where those have been? once again some parts of the animal are just not meant to be eaten. they even know that i dont like alot of things, what made them think i would like that? honestly. oh well i made it through with out tossing the food i had already eaten.

after dinner muoy and i went shopping. at one store i had a stalker. this kid about 12 kept following and staring at me the entire time i was shopping. even if i gave him dirty looks he still followed me. it was creepy. i need to learn more chinese like, get lost or you creep get away from me. its rude, how about this, how about you come to america and i will stare at you while you shop at a store, oh wait, i dont even know what a foreigner is cause we accept everyone and its normal to see different people. ok and one more thing that drives me nuts is that a million taxi drivers ask if i need a cab, just cause im a white girl does NOT mean i need a cab. and if i did i am not riding with someone who's all up in my grill about it. ok enough of my annoyances, so things just get to be a little much.

so on sunday muoy and i met up with michelle and jason and we hung around taichung for a bit. the best thing i found was the 100 yen store. for those of you who remember my obession with this store in japan can imagine how happy i was. only here it is the 39nt store but it had so many things that i had bought in japan and i have at home. i was happy and sad at the same time. i really miss japan and honestly i wish i was there right now, with the comfort of the military base and american food and holiday celebrations, and boys. you knew that was coming. but anyways it was a nice day and monday i had the day off so i slept, layed out and watched movies, it was very relaxing.

this week has been less than interesting other than the fact that i had my first trip to the doctor of any sort here. i have canker sores and once they were sooo painful that i didnt want to eat i decided it was time to see the doc. well i attemped to tell my teachers what was wrong but it was a failure since the dont have the vocabulary to understand. so you would assume they would take me to the dentist if i needed to go, but no, they draw me a map. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? i couldnt believe it, i dont speak chinese and i have no idea what i am doing, but ok i'll go alone, whatever, i knew i was an inconvience but really, you cant even take me to the doctor for 10min when we have a half day? well the teacher i am currently working with said the place they told me to go was no good and the nurses were not kind so she showed me a different place. and she took me to get some of the soup i really like. yeah by the way, i cant really chew so im on a soup and ice cream diet currently, i guess that will help me lose weight for the beach!

well i went home and took a nap since the dentist doesnt open til 2:30. i headed to there when i woke up at 4. i walked in and as usual i saw the scared faces. i asked them if they spoke english and they did, i showed the cute dentist my canker sores and hes like ouch that looks painful and then i said i have 5. hes like oh wow lets get you some medicine. let me mention now that the dentist office was PIMPED OUT. at each chair there was a flat screen tv and the speaker were in the head rest. also they had all the standard equipment just like the states, they even had a xray light thingy at the chair so they dont even really have to leave. im not even sure what the doctor put on the sores but it really hurt and my cheeks were swollen, but they felt better. he also gave me some medicine for home and told me to come back if it kept hurting so he could put more meds on. and it was FREE, if you didnt see that i said FREE. that would never happen in the states, never. so it was a good experience, i have a chart there and a cute doctor who speak english, maybe i will be getting my teeth cleaned once a month!

ok this was a little long but i just get carried away when i write about the random things that happen in my life!


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