Seoul Searching, a short trip to the capital of South Korea

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January 16th 2015
Published: January 16th 2015
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My Short Visit to the beautiful Seoul, South Korea


I have always wanted to visit South Korea as its been sitting on my list for a long time now, when I was still very young we had a South Korean Neighbor who always wanted to share some of his culture and gave us books and brochures about his country and even tried to teach us a few words. Now, South Korea has become a cultural destination not only for its rich past cultures but also for a new generation that has taken the world by a storm with their K-Pop music super stars, who can forget PSY and his Gangnam Style smash hit, and it’s not only music as they have also become very well known for their Korean Drama shows that are now dubbed in Arabic on some channels. The opportunity for me to visit however came from work, I am blessed to have the job of my dreams and be able to go to amazing destinations every now and then, as I was going to attend a major conference and exhibition there I made sure that I extend my stay to discover this amazing destination.


I stayed in two locations within Seoul, the capital with over 10 Million inhabitants, however the Seoul district itself with its surrounding towns equates to over 25 Million people making it the world’s second largest metropolitan area. The places I stayed at in this massive city are as follows:

· The Intercontinental COEX at Gangnam-Gu area, which is part of the massive COEX complex and is in the newer parts of the city. You will find that this area is more trendy and fresh where you can find free wifi almost anywhere you go, and I am talking about high speed internet. The area there is filled with street art and art installations, flowers and plantation

· Fraser Place Central Seoul Residence, which is in a more central area within the old city where you are closer to markets, palaces and everything you can imagine.

This was a solo trip so I was traveling alone, solo travel has a taste of its own and allows you to discover more on your own and get to meet and talk to more people which will eventually make you understand the culture and people much more.


If you search online, you will find many people whining about food in South Korea, yes you will not find your favorite international brands everywhere you go there. Some are there but mostly you will find local shops. Korean food is quite colorful, and there are many that are very tasty. I think the challenge is finding what you would probably like, unfortunately you will not find someone who understands your taste there easily and you will probably try things that you won’t like until you find what you like. Another challenge you will find with Korean food is that they use especially for Muslim travelers is that they use pork on most dishes unless you ask them not to. So my advice for Korean food at least is do your research, there are so many articles and youtube videos out there that can help you find what you would like. If that’s not your cuppa tea, then just head to the international district called Itawon, this is the place for you if you are looking for an interesting melting pot where you will find Arabic signs all over the place and all kinds of Middle Eastern and Indian/Pakistani cosines as well as Seoul’s only Mosque and Islamic cultural center.


When I started doing my research before I booked everything is that there is another misconception that South Korea is very expensive. In the traditional sense it is, Seoul is an international city – however I eventually found out that there are so many ways to get around that if you do the right research – I think for an international city like Seoul, it is cheaper than Dubai. That being said, since this was a half business half pleasure trip – it would not be fair to state the cost, however for around 10 days staying there in 4 Star accommodation including guided tours and transportation as well as air fares on Economy you will still be spending under BD1,000 if you do the right research.


I met many people there; they are friendly, kind and very interested in knowing more about where I come from. I was also surprised that many are now learning Arabic in their universities aside from the traditional Japanese, Chinese and English languages that are popular, the surprise was washed away when I learned that the Arab World is becoming one of the top 3 trading regions with South Korea. I literally had people talking to me in some Arabic throughout my stay, one gentleman told me he learned Arabic some 40 years ago and another retired senior executive at Korean Air told me that he was once stationed in Bahrain.

Away from my astonishment on their knowledge, I was also amazed with how well-mannered everyone is, even in the crowded underground metro people are quite and pre occupy themselves with a book, Gaming or watching Korean Drama on their mobile phones (where there is wifi on the trains and any other means of transportation, including buses and taxis), younger people always make sure to make space for the senior citizens and I later learned from someone I met there that men always keep their hands up so they do not mistakenly touch any female passenger on the train and when I looked it was true.

Places to Visit:

I went to many places during my short stay and still did not complete half the list I had, below are the most memorable places in my opinion:

· Bongeunsa Temple: I was so surprised to find this ancient and large Buddhist temple in the middle of the busy Gangnam Gu area. This is a beautiful and peaceful place that is visited by people from around the world is free to enter but also offers a very popular temple stay where you can learn many techniques to achieve peace and serenity, it also has a very interesting history for those interested – a quick google search will give you tons of information.

· Gyeongbokgung Palace: This is the crown jewel of Seoul palaces and the largest. The palace not only has a long history during the Joseon Dynasty and served as the King’s palace and government but is also one of the most beautiful palaces with its own garden and ponds. the palace has daily displays of Guard Changing ceremonies and if you’re lucky going there on a weekend as I did to see the guard inspection ceremony which is a full reenactment of the royal ceremony that has amazing outfits and martial arts display.

· World Trade Centre Seoul (WTC Seoul) better known there as COEX: an amazing complex of many things in one, this place is not only a mega Convention and Exhibition center but it also has the largest underground shopping center, a big aquarium, a few hotels, a duty free complex, casino and much more. If you go there make sure to get a map !

· Cat Café: Seoul is one of the cities that caught the Cat Café fever, these are theme cafes that builds on people who cant have pets for any reason be it building regulations or having someone with allergies in the household or just not having the time to take care of your own pet. people young and old flock to these cafes to play with the amazing collection of lazy cats, feed them and have a drink while at it. All this in a highly hygienic and controlled environment, the staff there will make sure you have cleaned your hands and well sanitized before engaging with the cats and also make sure you clean up when you leave.

· Deoksugung Palace: another beautiful palace smack in the center of the bustling city, what makes this palace so special is that it has both the historic factor and a more modern building structure that acts as gallery and Art exhibition

· Seoul Forest: I didn’t find this place from my initial research on Seoul and it wasn’t on my to go to list, however I was fortunate to have made a new friend there who told me about this place, this is a very large park to the extent that calling it a park is an understatement, it is a forest within the city hence the name Seoul Forest. This is one of the things that makes Seoul one of the greenest cities on the planet other than the five surrounding mountains that gives it an amazing scape and scenery. The rightly names forest also has free wifi which I find that incredible, ts so big it has multiple zones from horse back riding to a deer park, butterfly park, flower gardens, children’s play area, cycling routes and a small mall as well. People there enjoy the weather and go for picnics or walks to take time off the busy city

· The traditional Markets: WOW is the word, I am not a big shopper but to see so many cool things in Seoul’s markets and the variety and liveliness of these markets is just incredible. These markets are well organized and usually you will find maps and guides happy to help you find your way. The most important ones I visited are as follows:

o Dongdaemun Market: This is the center of the fashion industry in Korea, this market opens all day, as in 24 hours. It’s got everything from textiles and clothes to accessories and makeup.

o Namdaemun Market: this is how I would have hoped Manama market would grow up to be, even though it is a spiral of stalls and shops, it is organized and has its own map distributed for free with guides to assist. The place sells everything you would want in a traditional market. A small tip for those hungry for middle eastern food, there’s a small Iraqi shawarma place on the outskirt of this market, really good food and a great conversation in Arabic for a change (since I was travelling alone)

o Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market: this is simply Korea’s largest fish market – for all you who love sea food – prepare to be amazed

o Insa-Dong Street Market: I personally loved this market, its not as big as the others but the most lively with college folk arts groups and guitar players playing, young street fashion as well as amazing memorabilia. This is my kind of street, its so young and hip. I also found the most amazing tea house – the tea I got from that street was just incredible

o Gangnam Street: only one of the trendiest streets in the country and you can imagine its new found fame through the smash hit Gangnam Style by PSY. A must visit – this street is so hip and youg it has such an electric vibe

· N Seoul Tower and Namsan Mountain: this amazing tower is on top of Namsan Mountain – going there on the cable cart to see the whole city is the highlight of any trip to Seoul, then you can have a hike going down with the amazing scenery. If you are with a loved one, you can put your love locks at a special area – cute J

· Itawon: one of the liveliest streets in Seoul and the international centre where you can find everything international from brands to food to party and street festivals and concerts. This street has the Seoul Mosque and endless middle eastern food outlets and Halal places

· Cheonggyecheon Stream: It is a 10.9 km long, modern public recreational space in downtown Seoul, South Korea. The massive urban renewal project is on the site of a stream that flowed before the rapid post-war economic development required it to be covered by transportation infrastructure. A whopping $900 million was spent to make it become the popular attraction it is now among city residents and tourists. I have been told it drastically added to the green spots in the middle of the city

Noting that those are not all the places I went to, these are the most notable. I also missed visiting a number of attractions in Seoul, mainly the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) which is the area between North and South Korea as well as going to the mountains for a hike or adventure. For Korean Drama lovers, there are special tours that take you to the shooting locations of the various serieses, one of the most famous is Nami Island of the series Winter Sonata and many others including the historic locations. I would also recommend Hongdae for the younger visitors,this is a Universities district. Away from that, Seoul has some of the most amazing theme parks that I wanted to visit if I had more time

In conclusion, my visit was one of much learning and I wish I will have the chance to visit again with more time to spend not only in Seoul but also a broader trip throughout S Korea


Visit my photo pages for more photos or @alkhuzaie on instagram

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17th January 2015

Technology and adventure
Congrats on your blog, Hussain. Had a couple of questions, Korea is one of those advanced countries, with the fastest Internet in the world, and I was kinda looking forward to read about the technology there.. And for adventure lovers and adrenaline junkies, did you find anything fascinating? -Ahmad Alsayegh
18th January 2015

Re Technology and Adventure
Hello Ahmed and many thanks for the comments, I did mention a little about the fact that wifi is almost everywhere and it is absolutely fast. there is a major gaming culture and you can find online gaming centres at many corners specially in the old part of the city. Adventure part, yes there is much as well. Nature around the city brings you 5 mountains with hiking and discovery as well as river trip and hoping to some islands. away from the city there is much much more but you will definitely require local help.

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