We have arrived in South Korea

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul
November 11th 2005
Published: November 11th 2005
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Colin and I arrived in South Korea an hour ago. The flight did not seem like it lasted 14 hours. It seemed as short as the trip to Ireland. It was light out the entire time, so that helped. It was cloudy over much of northern Canada and the Artic Ocean. However we had a great view of the snowly desolation of Siberia. Korea is much more mountainous that I expected. The Koreans are very friendly and helpful. The airport has free internet, beds, showers, massage, etc. I can't imagine that in America. The sun is just going down here on Friday evening. It is in the very early morning on Friday in Michigan. I will write more from Bangkok once we arrive there in 9 hours. Everything is going great so far.


11th November 2005

Glad you arrived safely
Hi, glad you guys arrived safely and your trip went quickly. Somehow I was thinking you would be flying like we did to Hawaii. That's really cool that you went over the top of the earth or near the top. I'll look for an e-mail a little later to make sure all went well on the rest of the trip. Have a great time. Love you, mom

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