Cherry Blossoms

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April 1st 2015
Published: April 1st 2015
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One of the things I wanted to see in South Korea was the Cherry Blossom trees. They are not native to United States and I don't know if they are anywhere there. (Perhaps in Japanese Gardens). They are the national flower of Japan, not Korea, but they are everywhere in Korea. Right now spring has blossomed thousands of Cherry Blossom trees here and I am so happy to be able to see them. I cannot express, in words, how beautiful they are what a sweet aroma they give off. It is amazing to walk down the street and see rows of these trees. There are large mountain/hillsides around my town and in between the green are the delicate pink trees. Absolutely stunning! Lucky me.

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1st April 2015

Cherry Blossoms in the US
hi Sheena, excellent blogs, really enjoying them. There are Cherry blossoms in the US. they date back to about 100 years ago when they were imported from Japan and planted along the Potomac River in DC. I have seen them, although not in peak season. they dot the shorelines of the Potomac river in the mall area, and photographing them in peak season has been one of those things I have been wanting to do for a while but can't seem to find the time.

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