i'm not gonna lie to you, i'm lazy

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April 23rd 2008
Published: April 23rd 2008
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this is either the update you have all been waiting for, not the update you have been waiting for, or an update you have not at all been waiting for. foremost, as blogger, i ask your apology for my lack of punctuation and grammar. trust me, i usually use it consistently, but today i'm lazy. losing a 35 minute email in a split second doesn't help things any either. i'll make this short and summarize a bit.

the conference in thailand was good. i was challenged and met a few international people to call my friends, from parts of philippines and one guy from north-east india. a highlight was attending a Hindu-style fellowship, which was more than interesting. i had the red dot on my forehead too. ask about it some day.

back in palawan, we debriefed for a week. many times during the dts i wanted to escape this place and set out on my own, but in this week i really started to feel the withdrawal. of course the final night was a graduation party. on saturday i packed by bags and took the boys to town for some great chao long, and then i found myself some accomodations, which happens to be my own little $5 room.

it's a bit hard to keep social especially when you just want to kick back and relax after finishing DTS, but i have to because i want to make the most of my last days in puerto princesa. i love this place more than i know it, i'm sure. even when i came back from palawan, i loved the smell of motorbike fumes that i wasn't even getting in vietnam, where motorbike population is through the roof. i think the slight smell of pigs and grass fires that blend in with the fumes gives this city it's own smell.

yesterday i met a lady i know from various places around town, and i found out her and the husband are running and organic farm. since that interests me (and i was bored enough to do but write a list of bad things about myself; seriously), i accepted their invitation to come see the plantation (does that word properly apply?). it was awesome, i learned a lot, and you'd be surprised to learn how well the universe is meant to work. did you know that the same carbon that factories cough out into our air is very very good for the soil? did you know that our waste can improve production? are countries not producing enough because they are out of land? most definitely not. the organic farm can literally produce twice as much as the average farmer here...and all that without buying chemical fertilizers or special seeds. the only requirement is that you are not lazy and learn how to manage your farm instead of paying factories and driving machinery to do all the hard work. farms in the west bore me, really, but this is stuff is a whole new concept...someday i want to have a FAITH farm, which stands for Food Always In The Home. perhaps it's just another crazy dream of mine. i will know before i hit the prairie turf again.

i also went to go see their friend's orphanage, which he is running on his own organic farm. that's seriously a pretty cool idea, and by the construction projects that were under way there, they seem to be doing it right, financially.

the place where i usually eat is a turo-turo, which is basically a countertop with warm pots of foot on the top that you peek into and decided for yourself. very casual. anywho, the older lady there is great to talk to, very motherly she is. she asks me for advice and things i am a good version of a foreigner in comparison to the rich resort-bums that stay clear of anything Filipino. I've met a few of those types, and all they want there is comfort, pleasure, happy go lucky times on cosmeticized beaches. anyways, she was quick to call me her friend the first night i had supper there, and so i faithfully return as much as possible.

tomorrow i will go to Cebu, and do who knows what. sounds boring, but that can really make things interesting. i got 5 minutes left on this computer and should probably stop typing and just post this already. ok...

oh, my kudlong is now varnished. i jsut need to make a box for it.


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