Test..and corruption

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Asia » Nepal
January 11th 2010
Published: January 11th 2010
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So yesterday afternoon we had our test...it was pretty easy..at least..easier than I thought. After our test..S. Africa and i went out to buy a bottle of booze..vodka and mango juice..not bad. We drank it after dinner on the roof of the hostel. the others joined us too. i am like the corrupter..of course the booze was my idea. we are not allowed to drink at the hostel so we put the vodka in a water bottle and snuck it upstairs. well the sneaky part was s. africa's idea. i just wanted to go down the street somewhere. I felt like I was 16 all over again..not that i ever hid the fact that i drank though (those of you that knew me then..know this all too well). We ran out of the mango juice and S. Africa began to mix with water..i stopped at that point. then they smoked a fatty on the roof! After we hung out for a bit and chatted and then I went to bed. It is so damn cold at night you just want to go to bed so early to escape from being freezing.

Today - Immigration office - so i had to go extend my visa today. The project coordinators dropped me and Brazil off at the immigration office. It was actually more organized then i thought it would be. I filled out a form with the help of some guy (who then told me I will help process your visa for 2k ruppees and you will not have to wait). I decided to pay this conveniance fee (i negotiated to 1500 ruppees) because it was 10 minutes verses hours. To extend it cost me almost twice as much as if i would have just gotten it at the airport to begin with.but whatever..u live u learn. So after we started walking back towards the hostel in search of a bank for Brazil to exchange funds. After searching and searching we finally found one in a real life shoping mall. 1st one i have been in since i got here. It was nice..had Puma clothes & shoes and everyhing...almost like U.S. Anyways..after we left bank we were walking to take the bus and I was of course eating a snickers when out of nowhere 3 monkeys came after me for the bar. At first i tried to run from them but then one of them reached out for me leg and the snickers just dropped right out my mouth i was so scared. They snatched it right up and ran away. Fucking monkeys. I was scared the little bastards were gonna bite me and give me rabies! Yikes. Anywyas...after my monkey scare we braved the Nepali bus and made it back to the hostel in one piece. Now we are all packed up and ready to go to a nepali village. We will learn dance & food. Wish me luck. It will be nice to get out of this noisy..dirty city for a change!!! Oh I got my test back..i passed (i got the 2nd lowest score in class - not my average performance..but whatever)!!!!


11th January 2010

monkeys are not to be trusted
loved your blog monkeys can be very aggressive good luck in the village hopefully the food will be better and no smog love, me

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