My first big trip to asia!

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October 30th 2009
Published: October 30th 2009
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There is many things you have to know when you start planning you trip, it's been a month now every since i started planing my trip and there i still lots of things i have got a clue. Every each day finish almost same, with hours spend online trying to gain all information's i can before i arrive in india. And is most stressful, i had my passport stole in spain not longer then 2 weeks ago, wrrrrrrrrrr, what a lack of luck, but hopefully should get it by end of december which will leave enough time to get my visas sorted, at least the one to india. But i know that all those hours now are will be well worth it, and can't wait now till i get to delhi.

But any way,is my first trip so far and for so long, I'm planning to visit 9 countries overall, try trekking in himalayas, take some muay thai classes in thailand, or travel on the roof of one of the buses in india. Nearly 5 months of exploring what is still unknown for me.

So far i've travelled mainly in europe, but only for up to two weeks, so now it will be a big change for me. But any way, the reason i'm writing this blog is to get some advices as well as tips of things i have to do or must be aware of.

As i previously mentioned, i'll arrive to new delhi on the 18.01.10, and fancy to get to nepal by 1st of feb., so that will give me 2 weeks for sight seeing delhi, agra, and maybe few more towns on my way to kathmandu. Where i want to focus mainly on trekking, have got some maps already but still has to decide what to do while out there. By 1.03 i'll move to kuala lumpur, to hook up with a friend just for a day, mainly to unload my trekking kit and will fly to Cambodia to meet another one and do some saight seeing together for about a week, unfortunately wont have more time due to my muay thai camp in phuket for A MONTH, which i booked from 8.03, can't wait now!,

Then Bangkok for 10 more days, and after nearly 7 weeks in thailand i'll fly to hanoi for 2 weeks. There is a big list of places i really wont to see in vietnam so i'm afraid now that 2 weeks might not be enough, but i can always go back there😉

Then from ho chi minh back to kuala lumpur for few days, and off to hong kong for at least 10 days and then back to kuala again to stay there for few more days and finally go back to london.

So that is my plan, as you can see still lack of detail, but as days goes i will be trying to update it and i really hope for your help too.

Many Thanks


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