Back from the Gobi Desert

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June 16th 2007
Published: August 6th 2007
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The start of our tripThe start of our tripThe start of our trip

With our driver Dorj (pronounced Dolch) and our jeep to take us on our adventure!
So, we have just returned from our 9 day tour of the Mongolian countryside and are now sat back in the UB internet café, stomachs full from some non-Mongolian food.

We had a great time on our trip and felt like we really experienced the full range of what the country has to offer. Amongst the highlights were ice gorges, huge sand dunes, Gobi desert, alpine-like forests and gorgeous lakes. It is amazing how diverse the countryside is here and nearly every day gave us a different perspective on the country. Would definitely recommend Mongolia if people fancy a slightly different holiday.

Our driver was cool but insisted on driving very quickly all of the time, regardless of the road conditions or any impediments. The overall condition of the road is best described as horrific but we did get used to after a while with regular swaps to the preferred front seat.

We were able to camp every night which was lots of fun and was nice to use the tent again after carrying it across Russia! A lot of the nights were very, very, very windy which made for a fun and relaxing pre-sleep! There were a couple of times when we thought we should retire to one of the larger fixed tents on site but we managed to stick it out. It probably sounded worse in the tent than it was outside but we weren’t to know that. It was lovely to wake up in the morning and usually wake up to a blue sky and beautiful landscape.
The food on the trip was an experience as well; there was a complete mix of cuisines from burgers and chips one day to ordering something on the Mongolian menu that was described to as ‘meat’ - it may have been mutton but it may also have been a bit horsey. We also tried the Mongolian milk tea which tasted luke warm and salty - insert obvious joke here. Jenny seemed to quite like it…

So, all in all the trip was great and nice to feel like we have experienced some authentic Mongolian culture. It really is an amazing country. We now have a couple of days in UB before we catch the train and sleeper bus to Beijing. We apparently have Internet access in our room so standby for further updates on the trip.
Gobi DesertGobi DesertGobi Desert

The white tents to the left are ger tents that the nomads sleep in. Beds are round the side with a coffee table and stove in the middle. We were often invited into these on our travels for some milk tea.

See you all soon,

Jay and Jenny.


P.S. Jenny recommends any girl taking a sports bra with them if they do this trip in the future!

P.P.S. Jenny also recommends taking immodium to assist in the effects of eating Mongolian food.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Gobi Desert - 'Ice Mountain'Gobi Desert - 'Ice Mountain'
Gobi Desert - 'Ice Mountain'

Driving through the Gobi Desert, you suddenly come across these mountains. Hidden within these mountains where there is ice year round deep into a gorge.
Gobi Desert - 'Ice Mountain'Gobi Desert - 'Ice Mountain'
Gobi Desert - 'Ice Mountain'

We walked through the gorge on the ice and I, in my clumsy manner, fell on my arse, whacking my elbow that has only just recovered!
Gobi Desert - Khongor sand dunesGobi Desert - Khongor sand dunes
Gobi Desert - Khongor sand dunes

These are the largest sand dunes in Mongolia and a beast to climb. The sand is so fine that every step you take, your foot slips back to where you started and disappears beneath the sand. Then the wind whips you with the fine particles of sand. It was seriously exhilarating!!!
Gobi Desert Gobi Desert
Gobi Desert

We were traveling in a Russian Jeep that is built to last and had no comforts like air con -the windows didn't even open properly! We often had to stop to let the engine cool down. There was also a couple of tyre changes and incidents of getting stuck in the sand.
Gobi Desert Gobi Desert
Gobi Desert

It was always windy in the evenings and so we were often invited into a ger to cook on our camp stove.
White Lake -NaadamWhite Lake -Naadam
White Lake -Naadam

We arrived at White Lake to find out that a mini-Nadaam festival was taking place. This only happens once a year! We couldn't believe our luck! That kind of thing only happens to Michael Palin with the coordination help on the BBC! these guys here are sat waiting for it to start.
White Lake -NaadamWhite Lake -Naadam
White Lake -Naadam

Mother and daughter at the Naadam Festival. The older people seem to wear the traditional dress, whereas the younger kids will wear normal western clothes.
White Lake -NaadamWhite Lake -Naadam
White Lake -Naadam

Mongolian wrestling match. These are pros in action, but the onlookers provide little atmosphere and don't even clap when the winner emerges! There was more of an atmosphere when waiting in between horse races - kids had decided to have their own wrestling match and the locals were cheering them on whilst betting between themselves.
White Lake -NaadamWhite Lake -Naadam
White Lake -Naadam

Awarding the winners of the days events.
Ogii LakeOgii Lake
Ogii Lake

The last stop on our adventures around Mongolia.
Ogii LakeOgii Lake
Ogii Lake

Jenny with some new friends that just couldn't get enough of the digital camera! This is one of many photos!

16th June 2007

Wonderful stuff. Wasn't it mum who recommended that? And effective against Ghengis Khan's revenge!!
16th June 2007

Who is the Strange Guy?
Hi Jenny, Uncle G warned you not to speak to strange men! Where is the clean shaven young man I handed over to you on your wedding day? The man with his arm around you in pic 10 looks a bit dodgy. Both take care, enjoy the freedom of life. Love to you both. Mike.
16th June 2007

Thanks for the updated blog, love hearing what you are up to, tis now making me jealous, i want to have a wild adventure! Hope you continue to have fun and be safe. With Love Lisa xx
23rd June 2007

Hey guys, how busy have you been?!! What fantastic things youve been up to. Great memories and pics and youve done so much already. Ive very jealous of you both you lucky people! All good here. Had a uni reunion last weekend which was fab. Off to see parents in spain on tues and really happy as I got a driving course at work which Ive been waiting 4 years for!! take care and happy travelling! ENJOY!! Ben xx
24th June 2007

Can't wait for Mongolia
Hey you pair, brilliant to see you both fit, smiling and ultra happy in Beijing. It feels like we're all a million miles from Cambridge. Have loved catching up with you pair for a beer. Pics of Mongolia rock, can't wait to get there next week now, I'll pack my sports bra Jenny :-) To all the other blog readers out there, Jay has now shaved off the beard! Yep, I was dissapointed too! Travel safe xx

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