One last journy... Again

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Asia » Malaysia
October 3rd 2016
Published: October 3rd 2016
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Last year I had promised my wife that Sri Lanka would be my last trip for a long time, as we had just discovered we had a little one on the way, however all my efforts to not book flights overseas were thwarted when Airasia decided to re-open in New Zealand! Of course with that came very cheap flights, so like a worthless junky my addiction took hold and before i knew it i had a flight booked from Auckland to kuala Lumpur via the Gold Coast... The wife was not Happy...

I had originally booked for late November though after Airasia changed my departure time I was given the option to change my flight date within 3 months of my original booking. It just happened that my long time friend and keen wildlife watcher Israel was leaving for India on the 10th of October, so after a bit of planning I changed my flight to coincide with Israel's.

Being that I was getting poorer by the day preparing for our new babies arrival I had to make this trip as cheap and quick as possible (two weeks was all I could swing) while still getting the most out of it. There were many different options tossed around but we finally settled on Malaysia and getting to some of the National parks I had not yet been too.

So the plan now is two nights at Bukit Fraser (peninsula Malaysia) then the rest of the time on the island of Borneo, from there Israel will head on to India and I'll be heading back home.

With a bit of luck this trip should get us a good amount of birds and hopefully some really nice mammals including Siamang, Tarsier and Slow Loris.


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