Jungle Railway/Jerantut

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January 17th 2008
Published: January 17th 2008
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Another night of mind-boggling coach driving; a driver hell-bent on doing stupid overtakes, speeding round hairpins in the pissing rain and fog and forgetting where the brakes where meant that I couldn't get a good night's sleep. I'm coming to the conclusion that overnight bus travel just isn't for me!

We set off last night and came into Kota Bharu around 4am, before hailing a 40 year old car/taxi to the Wakaf Bharu, our starting point for the Jungle Railway. It set off at 6.30am and soon we were heading into deep dark jungle with it literally hugging the windows at one point. But after seeing one section of the jungle (with a few scenic spots in the middle) it felt a bit samey; but this is to miss the point, I guess - that we were travelling on one of the very few old-style trains in an entirely different universe to the one we're used to back home - but the irony was that the coach was itself better than the Northern service back home in England! No open windows, loads of leg room and lots of air-con!

Furthermore, we saw nothing of old civilizations still stuck in the past century - which was what I was looking forward to.

Perhaps the lack of sleep contributed to it, but I had a feeling of being a bit let-down by the whole experience - an 'over-ratement', if you like - but then I did miss a lot of it due to catching up on sleep, so who knows. It was good, just not as special as everyone else made it out to be.

We set off for Teman Negara in morning to fully enter the jungle and go on a couple of treks.

I'd add some photos of the day and previous days but after finding out Kevin Keegan is back in Toon, I am a bit too excited to do such a thing, so I'll add these days in my next entry.


17th January 2008

Keegan Wonderland!!!!
YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE lol he's back Be careful you too and keep in touch if you can xxx xxx

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