Arrived in Borneo!

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Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching
March 28th 2007
Published: March 28th 2007
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So after a long flight from Heathrow to Kuala Lumpur (KL) then KL to Kuching we finally made it to Borneo. Great flight with Malaysian Airlines - nice food for a change and great choice of stop/start movies. I didnt sleep as watched atleast 5!!!

Kuching is in Sarawak - Malaysian Borneo and this is where our travels begin. Stayed in Anglican Guest House - very basic, very cheap 25 RM which is about 4pounds for the 2 of us! The shower was basically a hose pipe stuck on the wall. Am taking this roughing it well so far, well it is only day1!

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


KL AirportKL Airport
KL Airport

Taken in Kuala Lumpur Airport. This is our plane to Kuching. KL is a great brand spanking new airport...
Kuching MarketKuching Market
Kuching Market

A food market we stumbled upon in Kuching, lots of green veggies as you can see! Did the tourist thing and took a photo, Jamie drew the short straw!
Training for Boat RaceTraining for Boat Race
Training for Boat Race

Malaysia day is coming and the locals are training for boat race as you can see..
Nice SunsetNice Sunset
Nice Sunset

You'll probably get sick of me putting photos of sunsets, but do I care!

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