Crazy Crocodile

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January 23rd 2011
Published: January 23rd 2011
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After the orangutans yesterday we wanted to see more wildlife. Unfortunately Borneo is very expensive or possibly the activities we are doing are very expensive. Trying to find a cheap river cruise is hard to do so we ended up busing to the small town on the river called Sakua. Here we singed up for a 3 cruise package (1 afternoon, night and morning).

We did the afternoon cruise almost right away when we got there. It was neat and we got to see proboscis monkeys, long and short tailed macaques, lots of birds and a crested serpent eagle. We spent most of the time watching the monkeys and at one point the guide shook a branch that a macaque was on and it growled at him.

After dinner we set out on a night cruise looking for the fresh water crocodiles. We didn't see any to start with, but we did see a monitor lizard.

About 20 minutes later our guide steered the boat to shore near a villagers hut. There was a croc just receding into the water as we arrived. We pulled in near the shore and the villagers sent a dog down onto the beach to lure the crocodile up. They said the dog lures it up and runs away.

We didn't see anything for a couple of minutes then an explosion of water as a massive fresh water crocodile launched itself up onto shore and grabbed the dog before spinning and slamming back into the water. It all happened in about 2-3 seconds and we just stared like "did that just happen?" Two of the girls looked to be in shock and near tear for the dog. It was like watching the discovery channel we couldn't believe it, an incredible thing to see. 

After that the rest of the cruise seemed rather drab as we were all getting over various stages of emotions.


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