Malaysia Part 2 (Two hills and a beach)

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cameron Highlands
March 17th 2009
Published: March 17th 2009
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Hey Folks! So here goes for Malaysia Part 2! We had rain but more in the form of tropical storms which we did not mind that much...but i seriously think we have a black cloud over our heads permantely! So we arrived in The Cameron Highlands. Thats an old English Hill station, so the first thing we noticed was the major temperature drop. But it was welcomed. The fleeces came in handy! I knew they... Read Full Entry

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17th March 2009

Yaaathmate! 1stly Love the blogs ting and ting! !st your purchahing bootleg Rolex not one, not two but three of them like the DOT! (you boys are high rollers I see)!! AND NOW.. dammm Flyntz is getting mega deals on chuddies... you go bwouy! Sounds like you two are on the verge of moving out to Langkawi for ever.. I would! well until the next stop I bid you a fantastic time at your next location. Love and Peace! Mitz Sweden :)
17th March 2009

Glad you guys are having a fantastic journey so far. To think it's still just the beginning...looking forward to reading more! Stay safe. xxx
17th March 2009

did he really hold a scorpian?! lol
20th March 2009

luving your blog. bet u miss me though :)
20th March 2009

luving your blog. bet u miss me though :)
20th March 2009

Message fro, your newphews
Neal - I miss you......and I really like the pictures...oh by the way mama I'm also out of pull ups at night time Nishil - I like your pictures and I really miss you.....hope you are having a good time, I love you both. Looks like you having fun, Kay I'm gonna start placing bets on how Fat you will be on your return loking at the food you guys have been eating. Jit - you need to tuck the stomach in when trying to do a baywatch pose LOL You sure it wasn't Mitz following you around in the butterfly park (foot fetish) Have fun hopefully speak to you guys soon
26th March 2009

ref 'the ninja'
ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! the ninja's way better than the eyes ;o) xxx

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