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Asia » Malaysia » Langkawi
July 20th 2011
Published: July 21st 2011
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On the ferry into Langkawi its looked amazing! After a quick lunch in Kenny Rogers healthy restaurant (which everyone hated apart from me) we got to our 'hotel'. We should have realized it would not be great when we turned up and couldn't find the owner or reception! The rooms were definitely the worst yet, the bathroom window is always open and theres a lock on the bathroom door to make sure the snakes don't come in :S. The hotel is about 15mins away from anywhere by taxi so when we went out, we couldn't come back until the evening. We went out to get a curry and a few drinks and realised Thai prices were behind us, in the words of Lonely Planet 'in Langkawi everything apart from beer is overpriced'.
The next day we went off to see Langkawi's cable car, the highest in Asia I think? It was very steep and we were all glad when we got to the top. There was great views of the jungle and beaches all around, definitely worth it!
We then decided to head over to a snake sanctuary, which we thought would be exciting.....we were very wrong 😞. There was a grand total of 6 snakes, including some very dubious empty cages : S we waked around for 10mintues before getting a taxi back to the beach - a waste of 15RM!
Hopefully onto some better accommodation in Ipoh!


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