Kayaking and last supper

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January 16th 2010
Published: January 17th 2010
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Went down to the beach today and hired a kayak for an hour. Paddled as close to the next island as we could comfortably get in the time limit before heading back, getting back to shore turned out to be much harder work than the outward journey! Wandered down to the other quieter beach for an hours sunbathing (which is the longest period we can manage) and a dip in the sea. We discussed how best to get to KL tomorrow with Niamh and printed off our Indian Visa forms.

In the evening we went to a beautiful restaurant called Kantan which was very close to the hostel. The food was delicious. I had chicken curry noodles and Rob had a noodle dish too. We followed this with a fruit and veg platter with a spicy peanut sauce and black rice pud made with coconut milk mmm mmm. It was our best meal yet!! We were sat on the floor at the tables which was cool and I found it very comfy.

We had planned an early night but then me, Rob, Kat and Jim all got talking to another couple there, Becky and Peter and we ended up being up till after 1am again 😊

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