Here at last

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September 23rd 2006
Published: September 30th 2006
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Here at lastHere at lastHere at last

This is proof we have definitely made it (and no it isn't portie beach)
Well folks, we've finally arrived in Langkawi !!

After 2 years of planning, we made it to The Tajung Sanctuary on time and in one piece. As any of you who have endured our stories of our previous travel escapdes, you will appreciate that this is something of a miracle in itself !! Flights were on time, and so were we. Luggage made it with us. Reservations were all ok. Not really sure we can believe it ourselves, but it's a nice start all the same !!

We got to Tanjung Sanctuary on Monday night about half six, chuffed with ourselves that we had 'beaten' the jet-lag, got the bags into the room (huuuuuuge by the way !!) and sat and had a nice relaxing cigarette (sorry parents) on the balcony looking onto our lovely wee beach.
I think it was about this time we 'hit the wall' so to speak, couldn't be bothered moving so ordered some room service and crashed out. Woke up at three in the morning, read a book for 2 hours and then went back to sleep. Woke at six in the morning, read a book for 2 hours and went back to sleep,
View from our balconyView from our balconyView from our balcony

Beats the Golden Arches from Robbie Ave any day
you get the picture !!!!!!

It is the beginning of the rainy season here in Langkawi so Lee's face was tripping her when we flew into lovely big grey clouds on the plane, but the rain only lasts for about 20 minutes and the place is dry again in an hour. It's Proper rain though. None of this cheek-to-call-itself-rain that we get in Scotland, but proper, proper rain. Each time it rained, there was guy with a white beard on the beach looking worried, loading animals onto a big wooden boat !!

On our second night, we decide to sit and have a few beers at the hotel, overlooking the see and watching a rather fetching sunset. We took a few photos and had about 4 Tiger beers each, "no big deal" we thought.

Next morning at breakfast, the hostess greeted us for a friendly chat and proceeded to tell us that she always wondered why guests came back from the main town, Kuah, with loads of bags of beer and wondered what they would do with it all. But after seeing us "drink that much" she understood. Hmmmm, seems like Malaysia is not a big drinking
On our first dayOn our first dayOn our first day

So quiet we had to take our own photo.
place, oh dear !!

There was a poster up in the reception showing some of the wildlife that was in the area and we got to meet a few of the inhabitants while we were having breakfast and on the beach.

The Sanctuary is way out of the way so which was in one way was bliss while lying on the private beach, but we decided to move on to Pantai Cenang in the south which apparently has more going on.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Mr D looking as cool as everMr D looking as cool as ever
Mr D looking as cool as ever

Couldn't resist the "I'm here" shot.
The infamous Tiger BeerThe infamous Tiger Beer
The infamous Tiger Beer

Mmmmmmm beer....

View from the restaurant
Monkey who shared our beachMonkey who shared our beach
Monkey who shared our beach

This photo was taken from about 20 feet away.
I cannae get away from Broon burdsI cannae get away from Broon burds
I cannae get away from Broon burds

This is the Guardian of Langkawi in Kuah town harbour. Apparently LangKawi can be translated to Brown Bird in sanskrit :)

1st October 2006

The pictures look amazing and I'm so pleased to here from you and see the pictures, they are fab. Technology is a wonderful thing, especially for me being a technical wiz and all. We are all well, everyone is asking for you at work. Missing you loads. Angela and Morag last day Friday 29/09. I hope you enjoy your travels you have worked really hard for it and deserve a break, this bit doesnt look like anything I imagined rough and ready backpackers should be experiencing though, I knew you had class Lee! keep up the standards. Look forward to your next update. Lots of love and take care of each other. Lynn
1st October 2006

looks great
It looks fantastic can't wait to see the rest of your journey unfold before our very eyes. What a brilliant medium for communication we have in this electronic age. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2nd October 2006

Make me jealous then!
Everything looks fab.I'm dead jealous. Keep enjoying and keep in touch.(What about "Hole in one Broon) It was a gimme !!!!!! Stay safe.
3rd October 2006

He guys glad to see you got there in one piece and pretty much problem free. That must be a first for one of your holidays huh :) Looks like you are having a fab time. Keep us posted about ypur travels and we will keep you posted with important info such as the great wins of the mighty jambos xxx
3rd October 2006

You Made It
Looks amazing you guys. Glad you got there in one piece and hope you having a fab time. Graham - did you use the age old relaxation technique of booze booze and more booze to get you on the plane ??? Elaine xxx
4th October 2006

catching up[
can't read this log from my work. catching up on the home pc. just so glad you are safe and well. all looks great and you both seem to be having a great time. will keep checking to see what you are up to. out with carol, charlie, lorna and alistair tonight - all send their best wishes. keep blogging!!! luv mum xxx
4th October 2006

Just thought I would say Hi. Glad all is well. Looks lovely! So, so jealous! Photographs look brill! Will keep logging on to see how you both are. Have a great time. Miss you! Luv Lorna xxx.
4th October 2006

You spelt sea wrong.
5th October 2006

sooooo lucky
OMG it looks like heaven, I am so jealous, sorry to miss the big night but heard it was fab, love the photos and your sense of wit, makes this a FAB blog, along with keeping tab on 2 fantastic people that we all miss in our lives. take care of yerselves and each other. xxxxxxxxx
5th October 2006

Oh what a life!
Well true to form have read all your thought's and amazed at all your pictures and am sitting greetin as usual. Looks like your having a fab time and I can't believe your actully there! It was sooooo long in the planning it seemed to take forever... Hope your fun continues and hope to hear more of your news soon. Jelous like you would not believe here in rainy kelty. Lots of love wabbit and dovester xxxxx

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