Eyes wide open after a visit to COPE... Muscles burning after a kick-ass Mekong workout... And mind slightly blown away after seeing so many 'mixed' couples...

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane
July 17th 2013
Published: September 19th 2013
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Even relaxing the whole day can prove to be a bit of a tiring experience as we were more or less exhausted waiting for our bus to depart for Vientiane and it wasn’t even 8pm yet! Having seen the bus I knew it was going to be a pretty long journey as well... Very little space in between the seats, pretty stinky seats in general and a person in front of me lowered her chair to the maximum capacity... Read Full Entry

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20th September 2013
with the reclining Buddha :)

Raining...racing...resting...reclining...the joy of travel...great to see you getting into it!
22nd September 2013
with the reclining Buddha :)

Thanks Dave! Loving every bit of it!

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