Luang Prabang to Ventiane, Laos

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Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane
April 26th 2008
Published: April 26th 2008
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Laos in a nutshell. Super chillaxed. People are here don't bug you on the street, they don't harass you to get into their tuk tuk and prices for everything is way cheaper then it was in Thailand. We've been living it up in 5.5$ guesthouse rooms.

So ya, we stayed 4 days in Luang Prabang. Cool little town right on the Mekong River. Not much to do there, it's all about the countryside so we found the best 2 day trip we could possibly find (E.I. the cheapest). Turned out to be incredible. It was just myself , Geneve and our tiny little Lao guide, La for the first day. We trekked for a good 2 hrs up this mountain to this tiny remote village. This was one of the highlights for me so far. Picture a village totally remote and go back about 1000 years. Seriously, no electricity, houses made out of pure bamboo, everyone concentrated on surviving. Every male is working the fields, women are cooking, kids are playing around, every animal you can imagine roaming the streets. We finished the day by going another 2 to 3 hrs down the moutain to another remote village and slept with a family there. Bit creepy but we got through it. We ate a great meal, had a massive thunder and lighting storm come down on us and actually slept.

The next day, we met up with another group, and went kayaking for about 2-3 hrs. Ate lunch on the side of the river then went mountain biking with a beauty from NYC. Needless to say, after the day, we treated ourselves with a great 1 hr 3$ Lao massage because we were soooo tired.

Our last day in Luang Prabang, we checked out some cool caves then went to the most beautiful waterfal I've ever seen. Baby blue water, about 7 different levels of water falls so you could pick which one you wanted to check out and swim in. Real fun.

After a great fews in that city we took off for Viang Vieng where the highlight of this city is the tubbing down the river. Now this isn't your regular tubbing. It's pretty much a huge party...while tubbing.
I think in the first 2 hrs we got about 100m because theres TONS of bars on the side of the river where music is cranking, there's huge swings into the water and everyone is just having a great time. So you stop, have a beer, jump in your tub and cruise to the next place you want to stop. Needless to say, we met some real cool and drunk people that day.
Our 2nd day in Viang Vieng we rented 2 mountain bikes, grapped a map and went off on our own with our lunch in my napsack. We stumpled upon 2 realy cool caves deep into the mountain. One of them, we paid a buck and got this super old Lao guy to be our guide. It was great, no way we would have found our way through that cave without him.
We only spent 2 days there because other then what we did, there's not much to do. Oh yah, one of the main things to do if your just wanting to chill is the option to go to a bar where Friends is playing. I think there must have been about 6 different bars so that was a nice dish of back home for us.

We jumped in another bus and got to the city where we are now, Ventiane. These buses aren't your greyhound buses from back home and the roads are through the most intense mountains going. They gave us puking bags both rides and after 15 minutes.....we had a puker! We were smart and took a couple gravols and slept but both times we were close to feeling sick.

Ventiane, well, it's the capital but there's not much to do here. We went out last night to a really cool outside bar and met a really nice couple from Germany....who spoke english! Where was that this winter!?
We fly to Cambodia tomorow morning. Should be awsome. Everything we have heard about this country and the cities we are going have been really positive.

Until then....Yep, I'm saying it, Go habs!


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