Chilling out in Laos

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May 11th 2007
Published: May 11th 2007
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Now, since we started out back in March we have done some industrial travelling. Now that we are In Laos we have slammed on the brakes and having a little bit of chill out time.

Originally we weren't going to bother with Laos and were going to go from Cambodia through to Thailand. However, every traveller we met said how amazing it is so we booked our selves on a flight from Siem Reap to Vientiane, the capital city. Well more like a big town really, with very little to do. They were all correct about it being laid back here - it's unbelievable! We stayed less than 24 hours in Vientiane as it was a bit like a ghost town, and took another 6 hour bus journey to Vang Vieng. This is the traveller hub. It's quite a small place and has chill out bars that play episodes of Friends, the Family Guy and the Simpsons all day long with cheap food and drink and benches with cushions on that you lie down on - oh so relaxing. And if you get sick of that you can get a massage, which I intend to do as soon as I've finished this blog!

For a change of scenery, and because I was starting to get a bit sick of Friends after a 4 hour long stint, we went Tubing with this couple we've sort of been travelling with since Hanoi - Bryn and Charlotte. This involves floating down the river for 4 km in a rubber ring. The added bonus to this trip is that on this stretch of river there are about 20 bars that have rope swings that you jump off into the river. Must admit I didn't participate in this as I was quite happy with a beer and watching the action. when they gave the swings a miss some of the lads played football and volleyball - looked just like the scene from Top Gun, well with a lot of imagination! But generally it was a pretty good day out.

Not much else to report since leaving Cambodia as we've done bugger all apart from that!

Tomorrow we go to Luang Prabang, which is renowned for all the temples (as if we haven't seen enough of then) and then probably on to Chiang Mai where I shall spend my birthday living it up in luxury!

Till next time folks!


15th May 2007

Happy Birthday to you
Have a Very Happy Birthday Samantha on Thursday lots of love from Stella and Allan James Daniel and Matthew and Grandma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
18th May 2007

V. jealous Sam. Sounds like you are having an unbelievable time. Hang on a sec how can I be jealous. I'm working in a sandwich factory. Hope you had a great birthday. Aidan x

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