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May 20th 2016
Published: July 18th 2017
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Geo: 35.7146, 139.797

Our morning began in Shibuya which is one of Tokyo's busiest areas with shopping and dining. All of the areas seem quite busy to us! There is a famous crossing in front of the Shibuya Station that is noted as a spot to catch youth fashion. But since it is directly in front of a very busy station there is much more than youth fashion to observe. In this area we wandered down many of the streets to capture as much as we could of the neighborhood. One of the streets was Center Gai which is lined with restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Another is the Spain Slope which is lined with boutiques and cafes and resembles a Spanish Street scene. In the midst of our walking we took a coffee break to rest and people watch. It's amazing how quickly time passes as you watch and learn about life in another country.

Our second stop for the day was in Shinjuku, another entertainment, business, and shopping area. Some of these railway stations are quite large with exits leading in all directions. Some are in buildings which also house major shopping and office floors, and of course restaurants. In some cases it is difficult to find your way out onto the street. Again we walked several of the streets to see what the area was all about. By now it was definitely time for lunch. We stopped at a spot that offered several noodle and rice dishes. Patrons stand at the counter to eat, with no seating available. It was quite crowded but everyone just shifts over to make room for more people. None of the employees in there spoke English but we managed very well. We each had some noodles in a broth that was very tasty. There were water dispensers along the outside of the counter so you could fill your own water glasses. Chalk up another new experience.

After lunch we moved on to the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. After the crowds, traffic and noise of the streets it was a very tranquil space. We walked many of the paths which led to a traditional Japanese Teahouse and a Japanese garden. There were many visitors and some school groups eating lunch on one of the grassy areas but it still was very quiet. It's strange how some cities have these huge green spaces in the middle of all the bustle around them.

We then headed back to the area around Akasaka, where we are staying. Our goal now was to locate a spot for dinner which we did. After a short rest we went back out to eat. Dinner tonight was rice with beef served with soup. We both enjoyed our meal and are becoming more proficient with the use of chopsticks. It was a great last day in Tokyo since tomorrow morning we are heading to Kyoto.

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Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


20th May 2016

It looks like a fun time, lots of sights to see!
21st May 2016

Wow! I love the nature areas in the midst of the city. Jack is really enjoying reading your entries, he said they are so vivid he feels like he is there with you. The soup and your dinner looked yummy! What was the green item in the jar
by the pepper shakers?

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