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September 20th 2004
Published: September 20th 2004
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Last weekend was a three-day one, so I went to Kyoto with a friend. Another person was supposed to join us, but she couldn't come. Despite that, it was an incredible experience. I love Kyoto. Unfortunately, I left the pictures on my computer, which I don't have at the moment, but I'll uplod them tomorrow. Additionally, my friend has some more pictures that he's going to share with me. (I actually took quite a few with his camera after my picture card ran out of space.) suffice it to say that Kyoto is beautiful. This is my second trip, but I liked this one even more than the first. I bought some souvenieers, since, I know, many people will want me to bring them something back from Japan. There were plenty of places to get them, and most of them were what I would consider to be low-priced.

I decided to drop my reading and writing class today. I'm still taking spoken Japanese, but, after weighing the options, I've determined that I will learn reading and writing faster and more effectively if I do so outside of the classroom. There are just too many exercises in class and the work was stressing me out. It's a good class, but the best thing for me right now is to study that on my own.
Tomorrow, I will post some incredible photos.


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