Photos from Saga, Japan, Asia - page 2

Unrated | High Rated (2.5)
Yotoku Inari Shrine, Kashima
Yotoku Inari Shrine, Kashima
Yotoku Inari Shrine, Kashima
Yotoku Inari Shrine, Kashima
Yotoku Inari Shrine, Kashima
Happy New Year!
a japanese christmas!
heidi san becomes santa!
me and my girlies!
me and the girlies!
me leading the locomotion!
me with lisa and poppy
me and poppy
more weekend photos! me, james and laura
Karatsu Kunchi Festival!
Karatsu Kunchi Festival!
the men didn't seem to complain about the bows they had to wear on their heads!
Cute kids on the front of a float
Karatsu Kunchi Festival!
Karatsu Kunchi Festival!
one of the fun balloons!
mmm - octopus on a stick, anyone?!
eating at the yatai
any takers?!?!
eating out by the river
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
yoshinogari park
shrine in saga
shrine in saga
shrine in saga
shrine in saga
laura, dan and mindy in the jet room
bar 86
kono koen park
kono koen park
sweet and biscuit
serving our tea
beautiful view from the tea house
the girlies having a cup of tea!
beautiful tea house in kono koen park
A picture of an Onsen painted by an elementary school student
beach time!
beach time!
Tot: 0.132s; Tpl: 0.004s; cc: 6; qc: 56; dbt: 0.094s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1mb