Blogs from Osaka, Japan, Asia - page 5


Asia » Japan » Osaka January 10th 2017

We have arrived in Osaka, which is a bigger, brighter city. Our 55km journey from Kyoto to Osaka was rapid. It only took 12 minutes on the bullet train. These speedy machines need to be introduced in Australia. On our first day, we walked to the Kuromon Food Market for lunch. The market has fresh food, take away food, restaurants and selected craft stores. When I say you can buy fresh food- I mean it. There are live fish and octopus for sale in tanks. Kuromon marlet is so big it has its own information help desk. Before lunch, we had dessert- we ate some rice dumplings with strawberries in the middle. Yum. Then, for main course, I decided to get some sushi and see how it compared to Tokyo's. Menwhile, James wrapped his mouth around ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 23rd 2016

It has been sometime that I didn't write anything, but as I didn't do anything special last week, it didn't require an entry :) However, the full week has been quite interesting and I thought about doing a global week update... so it will be messy and full of small funny anecdotes, hope you will like it :P Flea market: On last Saturday (22nd October), I had no idea of what I will be doing during the day. After waking up quite late from my Kendo after training drinking, and getting back my emotions on the fact that someone in Japan try to steal my wallet :P I looked into my book to see what can be done on a grey Saturday afternoon. I saw that on every 21 and 22 of the month there is ... read more
Shitennoji park
Shitennoji park
Cheesecake and flowers

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 21st 2016

Last Friday was the day everything went wrong. No pictures or anything special here, but I thought I should share that with you. It was a normal day and I went to school as usual. I was actually excited because I planned to go try this new kendo club in the evening. At the school, we were asked to purchase a new book to start to learn Kanji (hard stuff lol). So we were on our way to the school library to buy the book. After purchasing it, I was about to write into my phone the expense so I could keep trace of it... and there, my phone decided to die :/ It was just not turning on anymore. After restarting it and trying everything, it finally turned on but only to show me the ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 18th 2016

It has already been two weeks I am here in japan and my kendo fire started to burn me from inside :) so as I am in Japan to practice kendo as well, and I brought all my stuff with me, it was about time to start training in the home country of kendo. After gathering information about kendo clubs on the internet and some help from people who are living here, I decided to go training Tuesday evening in the Shudokan, which is basically the martial art hall of the Osaka castle. It is a really nice place, really big, with one part with tatami on the floor for judo or karate, and another part with wooden floor for kendo, iado and naginata. The training starts normally at 6.30 pm so I left home early ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 16th 2016

Yesterday evening, after writing the blog, I met Yumi-chan in the kitchen and she asked me if I was interested to go see a Matsuri on the following day. As I have never been to one, I was up for it :) This morning, I woke up early and was ready to go by 9 am. Unfortunately, Yumi-chan forgot to wake up and we were on our way at 9.30 am lol We had to take the subway and then the train to go to Kishi. It took about 1 h door to door and, again, I didn't see any countryside during the ride... the city never ends. Once arrived at Kishi station, we wondered if we were at the right place as it was really quiet. After asking, we were on our way to the ... read more
Japanese drama in front of the temple
Nice street food
Cotton candy Ramen

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 15th 2016

As now I started the school and have a more routine life, the blog post will be less often and more about special things I do the weekend :) As I said in my previous post, I had my first day of school on Wednesday, which was quite surprising as no word is spoken in English, and it seems that beside me, everyone can already read the 2 "easy" Japanese alphabets (Kana). So it was challenging for me to follow at the beginning, but our teacher is really nice and makes things easy as she explains with signing and drawing what she says when we don't understand. Straight in the subject, after the first day, Kinouchi-sensei gave us homework which was mainly learning the Kana (a part of it) with a test the morning after. Actually, ... read more
Entrance of the shrine
Old bridge

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 12th 2016

As yesterday was only the entrance ceremony, today was the real FIRST SCHOOL DAY! It has been a really long time that I was not on the school benches, but I was so excited last night that I couldn't sleep :D I was thinking about how it is gonna be? too easy? too hard? Is the teacher gonna be nice? The other students? As I didn't want to be late this morning and didn't want to run either, I left quite early in order to arrive 5 min before the class was supposed to begging. That was without counting on the massive queue at the lifts, which would have taken me a good 20 min... So I took my courage, and run the 8 floors to be on time... but sweating lol Our teacher is a ... read more
The "Monkey" King
View from the park

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 11th 2016

Today was the beginning of the new life... The school was finally starting :) This morning I had to meet the class at the school building in order to go all together in the south of the city to Abeno-Kunin center for the entrance ceremony. This center is like a big hall with chairs with a stage (a bit like a theater). We were around 300 people and straight from the beginning, everyone was fighting to see the sheets on the wall where were written our classes and time schedule (morning or afternoon). No surprise for me, I am in the beginner class which is in the morning YAY! In my class, there is Fanny, Rebecca, one Indonesian girl...and the rest is from Taiwan or Korea lol. The class is about 18 students, which seems a ... read more
Shitennoji - main temple
Shitennoji - secondary temple

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 10th 2016

Osaka , the addictive city... read more
Osaka aug 2016

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Osaka October 10th 2016

Today I woke up late again. As it is a national holiday here in Japan, I had no school. I learned it was actually the "National Health and Sport Day" which is commemorating the opening ceremony of the Olympic games of Tokyo 1964. Last night, Reina-san told me that there is a handmade market near Umeda (where I was yesterday), so I decided to go again. I met Fanny (french girl from the school) in the small temple near Umeda, and we were on our way to find the market. On the way, we stopped at Yodobashi Camera, a big electronic store, in order to check for my sim card as I still don't have one :P The store was so crowded, it was unbelievable! It seems anyway,that in Umeda there is always a lot of ... read more
Nakanoshima park
Jet d'eau d'Osaka :)
Ceremony at temple by night

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