Rikishi wa totemo ookikata desu!!!

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March 17th 2006
Published: March 17th 2006
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Yokozuna's Posterior...Yokozuna's Posterior...Yokozuna's Posterior...

He's supposed to be the best...
Just thought I might tell you all that I am officially on holiday! I wrote my last "midterm" test today, so now I have a week of no school. Thought I might just rub your noses in my good fortune once again. I'm off to ski in beautiful Nagano for a few days, leaving Hirakata on Monday night. Will tell you just how white the snow is and how sore my bum is when i get back... If I come back. There is always the danger that I will fall completely in love with the snow...

Enough of what is to come... (I'm still dreaming of a white christmas). Japan is still hanging around just off the coast of Asia, and I still suck at writing Katakana. I kicked some butt in my spoken Japanese Midterm on Thursday, but today, after a gruelling reading and writing test (in Japanese characters and all, obviously) I did not feel like hanging about the CIE (centre for international ed) any longer. Simple solution, grab some mates, jump on a train and head spontaneously for Osaka.

...So what is there to do on a friday afternoon in Osaka in March???? SUMO!!!!!!!!! Not fight,

An eg of my Kana capabilities. Evidently still limited. This is a rough draft of some lil piece of homework I did this week.
just watch. Yes. I watched a bunch of fat guys push each other around a bit. There is a tournament going on in Osaka at the mo, so it has been all over the TV. Didn't think I'd be into it, but after watching a few matches on (the usually bad) Japanese Cable TV, I am hooked. I think it's coz Sumo is perfect for short attention spans. (maybe that's why I like it so much). They go through a bunch of rituals, throwing salt, slapping themselves, giving each other drinks of water, having their names read out in poetic Japanese by a herald type dude and so on. THEN, they attack each other for less than 30 seconds. No boredom, no 5 day cricket test type things.

It is really weird, though, coz Sumo has it's beeg (bad pun I know) stars, with their sponsors etc. One of the big favourites is a Russian, I think. I saw him in his apron thingy, and thought, hey I've seen that design before... Then I read the Katakana (slowly) and realised where I'd seen it... In my fridge, on a yogurt tub. Hmm think beeg rikishi complete with hairdo and

This is a tiny little sea shell dressed in Japanese fabric. A gift to me. IT is a Keitai (cell phone) hangy-offy-thingy. Very common in Japan. It is too uncool not to have something hanging from your keitai!
no clothes, except for a Meiji yogurt apron. Not your regular butch wrestler image... But hey I suppose he is getting paid to have yogurt written across his crotch. Tee hee.

What is even stranger, though is how spiritual sumo is. The Shinto (kinda religon of Japan) rituals and things are taking very seriously. There is even shinto architectural design on the structure hanging above the ring (a litteral ring, not like boxing's square ring)! Yay, I remembered something from architecture class! - This a a special moment for me. Normally my brain shuts down as soon as my last test ends... As it is,spelling/grammaring of this blog wa totemo musokashi desu... and i'm battling to think in english!

Anywho, I digress.... Oh, ja, the sumo. I'm glad it is so ritualistic and mostly non-commercial (as non commercial as a 3000 yen "cheap" ticket can be), it kinda makes you forget that in essence it is just a bunch of men beating each other up.

Oh well, must be off then to finalise plans for spring break.... Enjoy varsity/work/school etc.

I will send lots of white pics along with the next blog.

Today's parting thought...
Osaka Prefectural gymnasiumOsaka Prefectural gymnasiumOsaka Prefectural gymnasium

Befor the important fights, ie no major crowds yet. Taken just after we arrived.
On the way to the Sumo gym, from Namba station, we saw some of the wrestlers on their way to the gym, just like us. (easy to pick out by their size and Japanese trad dress)... I was wondering why they don't have a bunch of bodyguards around to prevent attacks from hoards of fans.... But then my light bulb finally came back on... who would want to try something cause trouble with a sumo wrestler????

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Sumo Match 1Sumo Match 1
Sumo Match 1

"All I wanted was a hug..."
Mild EngrishMild Engrish
Mild Engrish

Thought I'd start to educate you all in the poetic nuances of ENGRISH... As used in advertising/graphic design etc in Japan. This is a mild, still comprehendable example: A bag from an electronics store. (The Japanese Kana at the bottom says"Yodobashi Camera")
Big Blurry BabiesBig Blurry Babies
Big Blurry Babies

Yes, they look just like you always imagined.
Like lil ducklings in a row.Like lil ducklings in a row.
Like lil ducklings in a row.

Don't want to play with these ones though.

But not the yogurt one...
Sumo Match 2Sumo Match 2
Sumo Match 2

Impending "bitch" slap

18th March 2006

need more shukudais :p
The yogurt wrestler isn't Russian. Reread the katakana in your fridge and you'll find it is "ブルガリア" = "Bu Ru Ga Ri A", yes, he is Bulgarian.
20th March 2006

if you get a large box from DHL with air holes and inhuman screaming and scratching. quickly open and bring sake, i've been in there 4 days already. luv me
20th March 2006

what an interesting sport. a lot of fat guys parading around in diapers, i don't suppose i'll understand till i experience it! but i thought the japanese were conservative! glad you on holiday!i still got 3 weeks left and lots to do! sux to be me! enjoy the snow! love b

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