Dance of Giants

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March 18th 2007
Published: August 6th 2007
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That's right, I attended my first sumo match! My friend Diana and I went on the opening day of the March Sumo Tournament in Osaka. We were in line at 9AM to get tickets! We discovered that it really wasn't necessary to be there so early, but I think it added to the excitement of the day. 😉
D has a short-attention-span, so sumo is definitely her kind of sport. In fact, I think it's really the only sport she likes! hehe I have to say that I've got a bit of a soft spot for it as well.

We had a pretty high success rate with predicting the winner of each match. I analyzed the thighs (made me think of you Pamela!) while D did more of a psychoanalysis of each guy. I think we were sports announcers in another life:

"Blue's got bigger thighs, but they're not of the same quality as Red's. I mean, check out that definition! He's definitely got this one."

"Red wants it more, too. You could see it when he threw the salt last time. He's not scared of Blue!"

Red wins. 😊 haha

It was such a great day, filled with good food, great sport, and tons of laughter. I'm really gonna miss D when she leaves in April. She's one of my best friends in Japan and about the only one out here who really gets me. 😞 We're scheduling lots of time together before she goes though. Next week we're going to a dance performance and the following week we've got tickets to a kabuki play!

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


He's got HUGE.. He's got HUGE..
He's got HUGE..

tracts of land.. ;)
The money shotThe money shot
The money shot

Last year's winner, and the predicted favorite, loses in the least likely way- the other guy just stepped out of the way, and he fell.
The pillows start flyingThe pillows start flying
The pillows start flying

When there's a large upset, or the crowd disagrees with the ref's calls, everyone starts throwing their cushions at the ring.
The winner takes his victory lapThe winner takes his victory lap
The winner takes his victory lap

I think he drove off in a Toyota car. ;)
Osaka Prefectural GymOsaka Prefectural Gym
Osaka Prefectural Gym

Where the tournament was held

2nd April 2007

earthquake damage?
We in Austin at the Brown casa now know why there are quakes in Japon. We were worried about you when we heard of the last one there. All OK? WE love you and hope all is well-- you are such a wonder. let us know when you are back in the city. We are here. pappy and mom
2nd April 2007

I'm sure the nipple color technique was a red vs. blue thing just like the pant colors (or should I say tight silk under-thingies). What type of souvenirs do they have at the bashos?
2nd April 2007

Souvenirs and earthquakes
Yes, we didn't even feel the earthquake in Kobe! They have some hilarious souvenirs.. sumo stuffed toys, towels with pics of the wrestlers on them, chopstick holders, etc.
3rd April 2007

Oh my aren't they big boys!
Still working on an angle to get you here, from you above photos I have hatched a new plan.....roll you up in the next London bound Sumo wrestler's weighty crease (would have to give you a straw to breathe out of). What say you? love ya, abba dabba do
12th April 2007

great to hear from you Alyssa and pleased you are beginning to see the best part of a man with such discernment.Not all of them have great thighs,these aren't bad but not a patch on the All blacks especially Luke Mc Alistair. Take care out there. love Pamela

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