Blogs from Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, Asia - page 2


Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 29th 2008

Så här ser vi ut när vi rör på oss.... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 25th 2008

So, I've done quite a number of different things since my last entry, from routine things to pretty amazing awesome things. I've experienced okonomiyaki, which... I must say... is absolutely DELICIOUS. Everybody should have some okonomiyaki at some point in their life. Yum. Plus, they cook it right in front of your table. Like, well, ON your table, as it were. Let's see, what else have I done... this weekend was Casey's 20th birthday, so we had a whole big day planned that was purdy fun. We went to Den Den town in Osaka, which, if you know what Akihabara is in Tokyo, that's basically what Den Den town is. A whole section of town that's devoted to electronics and otaku stores, basically. It was pretty much awesome fun. There were a whole bunch of figure ... read more
Okonomiyaki 2
Okonomiyaki 2
Okonomiyaki 4

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 24th 2008

Hallå! Innan jag skulle skriva det här inlägget fick jag kolla vad jag egentligen skrev om förra gången. Det borde väl betyda att det var ett tag sedan jag skrev här sist kan man tycka. Jag har pluggat en hel del. Det är en ganska så bra kurs, men grejen är den att man måste göra det mesta vid datorn eftersom mycket information finns på internet. På vår kursportal finns det också föreläsningar och andra små filmer, så det blir tyvärr en hel del tid hemma framför datorn. Lite synd är det för jag tyckte att det var helt okej när man kunde gå bort till biblioteket och plugga där. Nu har det istället blivit mycket tid ensam hemma, men det ska det bli ändring på nu hade jag tänkt. Igår kom Tommie hit till Hirakata ... read more
En drake
Lite stenar och så
Mami och Chie

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 14th 2008

Nu tänkte jag att det kunde få vara dags för det första inlägget härifrån Japan. Mami åkte hem till Tottori idag för det är någon slags dag för döda släktingar imorgon, så hon ska gå till ett tempel och sedan äta på restaurang med sin familj och släkt. Egentligen tänkte hon inte åka, men hennes morfar hade redan bokat bord så då blev det som det blev. Jag åker med nästa gång istället och börjar med att träffa hennes familj först. Hon kommer hem imorgon igen i alla fall så jag behöver inte vara ensam så länge. Det är väl enklast om man börjar från början för att undvika förvirring. Jag lyckades ta mig igenom kontrollen på flygplatsen utan problem trots att båda mina väskor vägde för mycket. Efter att jag hade skickat några sista sms ... read more
Leopalace Village

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 12th 2008

Well, it's been another few days. Not a whole lot of real new stuff going on. I'm actually starting to settle down into a good routine, which feels pretty nice for a change, ahaha. My walk to campus is quite pleasant, my classes are all going well... I think they're going to be pretty fun and interesting. Plus, it's Friday! And it's a three-day weekend this weekend! It's like... Respect for Age day, or something. Not really sure. But we get the day off on Monday, so it's all good. There's quite a number of random holidays that I don't quite understand, but all I know is that we don't have classes! So anyway, I thought I'd take this time to maybe go through some of what I do in a day. I don't know, it ... read more
Laundry Room/Changing Room

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 10th 2008

So things are starting to get a lot easier overall here. I'm getting more accustomed to my schedule, I'm getting used to my host family and their home, I'm getting used to my classes... yes, I can say that I'm really starting to get settled. Which is nice. Definitely. It's not very fun feeling like everything's coming at you at once and nothing is familiar, let me tell you that!! Food continues to be an adventure. So far, there's only been one thing that I've really... just... and I mean *really* don't like. Which was this strange thing that Okasan put on my rice this morning. I have no idea what it was. She told me, but I didn't know what it was in Japanese, and I've forgotten it now so I can't look it up. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 8th 2008

Whew! It's certainly been a lot weekend, and now... Monday again. Back to class. All that jazz. It's also been quite the exciting weekend! On Saturday, we went to check our placement for Spoken Japanese, and I got into Level 2!! I'm so excited!! That made me quite happy. The rest of Saturday, we didn't have much to do, so explored around Hirakata Station for a bit (and found the biggest bookstore to date!) and then went to a new karaoke place (and by we, I mean Casey, Ellen, Dave, Alex, John and I). Vicki and Laura had already moved into their homestay families by then. On Sunday, it was pretty much another day without anything to do until 4:30, which was when I would meet my homestay family! So we got some breakfast/lunch and then ... read more
Another Room Shot
Cool Building

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 4th 2008

Wow, I can't believe that orientation week is almost over already! It doesn't feel like it's been almost a whole week! We had a number of more activities today... the biggest one being REGISTRATION!! I was a bit nervous going into it because I was afraid I wasn't going to get all the classes I wanted! And considering that I really need the two art classes so I can transfer them back as major credit at UNI, I really needed to get them! So I went up to the line a little before 10:15, which was my time slot, and there was a looong line, so I was like SUCK! But fortunately, you got to go in the line wherever you number was! So I just keep glancing at peoples' slips of paper to see where ... read more
Japanese Garden
School Founder
Little Bridge

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 3rd 2008

Today was officially the first day of orientation!! That meant that we actually had some more meetings and briefings and the like. It also made it feel more like school finally, ahaha. Which is both good and bad, I guess. It was nice because with more things to do, it leaves you less time to just sit around and get bored, plus it's something that feels very familiar, so it's rather reassuring in that regard. It's not as nice because obviously it means classes will start. Though, I am getting more and more excited about the classes I am going to take! That is, if I get into the classes I want... but I'll get to that later. We started off the day with the Main Orientation Meeting for everyone in the program. We got to ... read more
Cafeteria Other Side
Delicious Donuts!
Some Intense Coffee

Asia » Japan » Osaka » Hirakata September 2nd 2008

Nu är det en vecka kvar tills jag ska bege mig iväg, så jag tänkte skriva ett litet inlägg här så att jag kommer igång. Som ni borde ha märkt så har jag övergett resdagboken för den här sidan istället. Förutom att man slipper få ont i ögonen av att resdagbokens design är så fruktansvärt ful så verkar det som att det är lite smidigare att ladda upp och titta på bilder här. Jag har lagt upp några bilder från förra gången jag var i Japan för att testa hur det går till och det verkar fungera bra. Det ska gå att ladda upp video här också så om uppkopplingen är tillräckligt snabb där borta ska jag försöka mig på det ibland. Något inlägg i veckan ska man väl kunna få ur sig i alla fall. ... read more
Hemma hos Natsuki
Kansai Gaidai

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