Nagasaki #1: Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park

Asia » Japan » Nagasaki » Nagasaki
June 6th 2014
Published: July 4th 2014
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We awoke at the crack of dawn, after about four or maybe five hours sleep. We had stayed the night in a hotel close to the airport. It was really nice, not really a hotel, but an officetel, where they rented some of the apartments. Honestly, the apartment we stayed in was nice and bigger than the one I live in. They also offered a free pick-up and drop-off service to Incheon. Not bad for 55,000 wo... Read Full Entry

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10th December 2014
Wakatakemaru Sushi Restaurant

Sushi Restaurant
Looking nice with fully equipped kitchen appliances and mainly required for Sushi Restaurant.

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