Goodbye New Zealand, Hello Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia

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Asia » Indonesia » Bali
March 21st 2014
Published: March 22nd 2014
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Well it was fun in New Zealand, I was able to spend two full weeks with Jenny. It really was perfect timing, I was going to wonder the island and she was just starting her two week vacation from work. Jen was able to show me around to all of her favourite places as well as popular places to visit as a tourist. The first thing we did was Zorbing, yes that is actually what it is called. You literally get into a ball that is inside a gigantic plastic ball and get pushed down a massive hill! It was terrifying, hilarious, fun, and exciting all at once. I loved it and went down more than once. We headed to Auckland which was on the North Island Wide of New Zealand where Jen said that we would be able to see some wildlife hike a few mountains and enjoy some delicious foods. I really did have a fantastic time with Jen over the two weeks and was super happy to see her, it had been so long. My next stop was Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia!

I have finally made it into Bali now!

Cambodia was definitely one of the poorest cities I have ever been to in my life! The amount of garbage on the grounds, in the lakes and rivers is unbelievable! It really breaks my heart to see how much we take for granted back home in Canada. It is a whole different world over here! I went to the killing fields and museum that were there. Words can't describe the emotions that were felt over the few days that I went through them! On the more happier side, I met some amazing people that will always stay friends! I was able to see some beautiful white sand beaches and ate some fantastic food!

Bali is amazing! My first couple of nights I was able to stay on a super secluded beach in Ulluwatu, it felt like I had the place to myself! A lightning storm danced over the ocean as the hours of the night went by. I headed to the monkey forest in Ubud and tried to hide a banana in my shirt and got it stolen by a very greedy monkey, saw some monkeys doing it which was awkward but funny at the same time. This morning I hiked up a active volcano at 230am to watch the sunrise, I was able to watch it while listening to Balinese people pray on the very top. It was so cool I had breakfast and tea that was made for me by the steam of the volcano, that I crushed! The volcano was 1,700 meters! There was an epic sunrise, it was totally worth the 2:30am wake up!!!

Tomorrow I will take a yoga class on top of a building with just only 9 other people, I have a feeling it will be such a spiritual experience! Next couple of days I have an idea of what I want to do like ride a scooter around for the whole day, the weather has been nothing but predictable so I 'm sure I'll be caught in a massive downpour at some point! Ubud definitely has stolen a piece of my heart!

I can't wait to see what the Gili Islands have to offer!

Until next time,
The happy little traveler!

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