BALI Wedding

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Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud
June 6th 2010
Published: June 24th 2010
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We left for bali because Emil and Melissa (Mel) were getting married and they chose Bali because Mel's folks - Uni and Trevor live there, as do Andrew (Mel's brother) , Nana (his wife) and son Jason.
We spent a few days in Ubud with my friend Krys who is also Emil's godmother.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Ananda CottagesAnanda Cottages
Ananda Cottages

The pool by our villa.
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OUr villa behind Roman's head
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The local drake and duck of our notel- note the little pompom on the duck's head - only a few birds have this
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The local duckpond
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From our villa we had to bypass the rice paddocks
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The view of another rice terrace on the way to the restaurant of our hotel
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When we walked across the gorge from our hotel, we found ourselves in the midst of rice paddies. These ladies were machine threshing the rice.

From our terrace
Afternoon walkAfternoon walk
Afternoon walk

50 kgs of rice carried by this slim lady!!
Rice transportRice transport
Rice transport

This old couple were threshing by hand.
Kite kidsKite kids
Kite kids

While the family was working in the fields, these kids were flying kites - see the gazes into the blue beyond...
exterminators exterminators

These ducks are very plentiful in the rice paddies and act as exterminators of insects and at the end of hte day - they take themselves home on their own...
local transportlocal transport
local transport

As you see the roads around the rice terraces are VERY narrow!!
Local guard dogsLocal guard dogs
Local guard dogs

Our guide didn't like to tease the local dogs - move on he said when I wanted to stop to take pics!!
More local transportMore local transport
More local transport

The young ladies carrying their bits of bamboo home in the late afternoon
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Roman tries to outdo the local statuary - does he succeed?

This is the lewak civet cat which produces the most expensive coffee when it passes the beans through its gut and the cleanup after fermentation in the gut is supposed to produce the most subllime coffee....mmmm well it was OK!

24th June 2010

Hi from MB in the UK
Hi Both Off on your travels again I see. Thanks for letting me see. Enjoy yourselves! Love MB
25th June 2010

nice to hear from you
we are still in the uk Jim is in the north on a narrow boat and i am in plymouth with my cousins. We will meet again on the 10 July to fly home. glad to hear you are in Bali and I hope all was great at the wedding.
27th June 2010

Bali Wedding
Thanks Mary, We do like our travels - but Mel's parents live in Bali - so it was on the cards that we have the wedding there!! Great place to visit - especially around the mountains!

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