Kundalini Tantra Yoga

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April 15th 2018
Published: April 25th 2018
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During the previous and following post I blog about my latest spiritual experience in Ubud, Bali in which Kundalini Tantra Yoga plays a fundamental part of it.

Kundalini Tantra Yoga is the healing yoga.

Kundalini Tantra, is raising the Kundalini through movement with breathing. Its a combination of Kundalini, Ashtanga, Hatha and Sivananda Yoga and its creator, Master Ketut Arsana has chosen particular asanas, that raise the energy and help the gland system. Master Arsana is a Mahatma Therapist, healer, Spiritual teacher, Master and Guru of Ashram Munirava.

Ive never heard of this type of yoga before and after my fist session I was almost shocked, the sneaky like movements are very sensual and like a dance on your mat. Its very hard to describe but I will post some videos. The movements and the full practice is believed to encourage healing of the body by activation of the organs and connection with your spirit by opening the chakras to let the spirit of the Oxygen to flow through your body. It is amazing, fun and challenging!.

Kundalini is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column. Its a dormant energy that can only be activated by movement. To awaken Kundalini you must prepare yourself through yogic techniques. You must practice asanas (Poses), Pranayamas (breathing), kriya yoga and meditation. Then when you are able to direct your force into the seat of kundalini the energy wakes up and makes its way through, in the central nervous canal, to the brain. As Kundalini ascends, it pases through each of the chakras which are interconnected with the different silent areas of the brain. As kundalini ascends there is an explosion in the brain as the dormant parts of the brain start blossoming like flowers.

Kundalini Tantra Yoga is an innovative and powerful Yoga that helps open and detox the bodies and minds of people. It’s a technique and system of healing yoga which heals, detox and raises the energy and vibration the body and mind. Its a unique system of yoga postures, with dynamic breathing and a flowing serpent like movements of the spine and pelvis that opens the body further to deepen the experience and benefits of the posture. The constant moving, flowing and breathing helps us to go beyond the mind and into a meditative space, where the body and mind more easily surrender blockages and tensions that are toxic and cause illness. To raise our energy and vibrations, we have to clear our blockages that cause imbalance, disconnection, low vibration and disease.

Tantra is the balancing union of polarity within ourselves, the union of the mind and body, masculine and feminine, positive and negative, light and dark, macro and micro energies inside us. It is intimacy and unions with the self, not a man and woman. Its not sexual. However, being more intimate with yourself allows you to be more intimate with others.

The unique style of movement and breathing creates a wave like energy current in the body by expanding and contracting the energy flow; the flow through the body results in an activation of the Endocrine Glands, The Gland system secrets hormones into the blood steam to regulate every function of the body. Balanced glads are vital because they stimulate, activate and influence the regulation of all other systems of the body. The Endocrine system is also intrinsically connected with the energetic system of the Chakras, so you are working both.

Om Ham retreat is a Kundalini Yoga center and I feel blessed I got introduced to it. I love it and I felt that I completely awaken my kundalini, connected with my innersole and opened the system in my body, mind and spirit. I plan to continue practicing it and encourage everyone to give it a go! You will feel fantastic..but don’t hold back! Move!

I recorded a few of the sessions and I am going to put them together on a video for anyone that wants to practice on their own.


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