I'm singing in the rain......

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Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta
February 6th 2007
Published: February 6th 2007
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Well, we made it out of the airport, unscathed by too much frisking to endure a flight via Frankfurt next to a very drunken Scotsman who had been affected by the Scotch mist, takeing the liberty to touch up every female within his reach..then a 12 hour stint sandwiched between two rather stinky and stary Germans and more or less a plane full of Germans until we arrived at Singapore. Note I'm not being prejudiced about either nationality, simply stating the facts that both were very smelly and quite rude. Anyway, with great excitement we bundled our way out of the impressive airport and caught the metro to just outside Little India. Singapore was full of life, lots of lights and markets and so many food outlets that you could eat somewhere different everyday of the year, providing you don't mind what you're getting.
A couple of days later we were headed to Java, via boat to catch a "plane", or rather a bus of the sky. We landed in Jakarta and I must admit, I was a little disappointed. The bright lights and sophistication that I had read about and imagined remained in my imagination. We slowly crawled through the concrete traffic of mopeds and buses, to a rather dingy part of town that for three days became part of an underwater scene. We were lucky in the fact that we left a day earlier, as the I kid you not -power shower force for hours solid set in and has I think made International news? However, upon this little pitstop we acquired a new traveller to accompany us to Yjogykarta. His name's Stefan-from Brussels and so together a trio of sodden travellers headed east to escape the rain. This we did by train that was to take 8 hours. Fair enough, but we left later, so the minutes late, escalated to hours late and when the 4pm arrival time reached 7.30pm, we were fast becoming close to getting cabin fever. Something I found strange was that we were all given free breakfast when we got on, like a plane trip- alright if you like a fried ball of chicken/fish or "chish" as I've named it and cold rice....mmm....my favourite.....luckily an old bit of gum kept the hunger pangs at bay for the first 6 hours......
Having actually seen some really interesting landscapes, rice fields and people's little houses, barely keeping them dry, from the intense flooding a mixture of luxury cars and little dented bicycles, we finally made it. Yjogykarta is a more inviting version of Jakarta with character and much hustle, but in a more friendly way. So much hastle from market traders and people offering transport, it becomes quite draining to keep saying no. We did find a little corner of serenity amongst it though, in a lovely homestay, where we actually had a four poster bed. And with my plum silk sheets and net curtain, I felt like an Eastern princess (alright, sleeping bag liner and mozzie net, but let me dream). The three of us took na trip out to Borobodur, to see the ancient temples and indeed one the Seven Wonders of the World. We had a little guide who was funny chap and kept referring to Tony Blair as handsome and singing Elton John songs at us. We were allowed to touch Buddha's foot and wish for our dreams to come true (mine was for decent weather) and then walk three times around the body of the Temple to reach Enlightenment. This we did, tripping over a gaggle of school kids, families, picnickers, couples, teenage smokers and finally sat to rest and take it all in. I would have enjoyed a moment of solitude to be honest but we were also accompanied by a group of Indonesian girls trying to learn and improve their English and so were interviewing us continually throughout our tour. Then when we did sit down I have never known anything so bizarre, but noticed people sneekily taking our pictures. At first I thought it was just pervy, then a bit of paranoia, but then when someone actually had the guts to ask for a photo with us, we were inundated by families and kids, like we were famous. The Temple was amazing, but had turned to a bit of a theme park to be honest with a maze of markets and hawkers to battle through constantly trying to sell you something. A little disturbing in some cases and makes you realise the poverty and desperation when tourists are about.
Leaving Stefan behind, Sarah and I have travelled across the waters to Bali a coach trip of an agonising 20 hours. To be joined at various stages en route by guitarists, people selling eels, fish heads, you name it and then hop off a few stops later. The trick I thought was to pretend to be asleep, but no, even that doesn't put them off, they're not afraid to poke..
So here in Bali we are and have enjoyed our first proper dose of sunshine perhaps a little too well, now feeling like a crispy bit of bacon. Ah, but the warm sea, the waves and our hostel is like a Buddhist retreat, surrounded by lush palms, Balinese carvings and a pool. We just hope that the bad weather doesn't continue to follow us for the remainder of our 30 day visa. Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I'm sure that we'll be pestered again for a manicure, pedicure, watch or bracelet! Perhaps if they were selling umbrellas I might invest, or a mobile phone with reception! (sorry no replies: I think it'll be mainland before that works). Well, cheerio for now, haven't the faintest idea of how to put photos on-just can't seem to grasp it, so apologies until I do. and feeling somewhat exhausted as we've barely stopped and when we do we get hassled, but it's intresting, just hoping for a bit of a holiday at some point! Take care all xxxx


7th February 2007

What hostel were you staying at?
Im coming to Bali soon and would appreciate any tips you could share!
27th February 2007

Bali hostels
Hey Nigel, sorry for the delay: In Kuta we stayed a few days in Ady's hostel-it has a little swimming pool and is off a little side road near to the Aussie bar and K-mart. Morning tea is included. Also staying in one at the moment in Poppies Gang2 that has breakfast included and is only 45,000 for 2 sharing. This is ideal as it's more central and cheaper. It's near to Ocean cafe or similar. In Ubud-north of Kuta we stayed just outside Ubud in Sari homestay. There's plenty in Ubud itself, mainly down Monkey road, but we liked to go a bit quieter and cheaper. Hope this helps? Have fun! Emma

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