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Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta
January 17th 2007
Published: February 4th 2007
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"Transport!" "Massage!" "Manicure!" "I teach you surf!"

The hawkers' endless call come at us from every direction here in Bali. The packed jalan, which translates as street but which are really little more than alleyways, are lined with stalls selling everything from watches, earrings, and purses to obscene and nonsensical bumpers stickers ("my cock vomit", anyone?). The shopkeepers and shoppers battle for space between zooming motorbikes and honking SUVs. The pace outside of our hotel is best described as frantic - everyone jostling for attention, space, money. It is thrilling and exhilarating to see so much activity after such quiet times in Darwin & Airlie. We're yet to find something that costs more than $10 - even the "Versace" jeans are just $8!

Our hotel, Sorga Cottages, is nestled in between a zillion other walled-in hotels and homes. It was absolutely adorable when we arrived - gardens, with a central altar; Balinese flourishes on the rooftops and above entries; a fresh glass of cold juice upon arrival. Kate & I spent a couple minutes squealing after the door closed, absolutely in shock over our lucky find. Surrounded by markets, we're planning to go shopping this afternoon. Things I want to buy: purse, earrings, headband, sundress, sarongs, bathing suit, belt, sandals. All of the above are colorful and brightly embroidered, just the way I like it 😊


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