At the market....

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Asia » India
October 31st 2008
Published: October 31st 2008
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I wanted to show you the Karol Bagh market....

It's only half a block away from where I'm staying. I could probably find it in the dark because at the corner is a public restroom (it's more like a 2 walls, one the men pee on and the other barely blocking your view) and you can smell the urine. So from there you turn left or right and enjoy the crowded market place. Stores and vendors line the street. While rickshaws, scooters and cars weave around people and animals alike. You can get most anything there from the typical saris to Reebok sports wear. can't really get that much of a deal at the Reebok store, too bad.

But I wanted to tell you about my favorite fruit stand. Go back to the urine corner, make a left and walk past about 6-7 shops. You know you went too far if you hit the metro station, which is about a block away. So once you find the fruit stand you will see all kinds of fruit sitting on the table. Pomegranates, apples, bananas, grapes too. But those are just the typical ones that I recognize and ignore since I can get them at home. I have to get mangos, sitafool, and cheekoo.

The sitafool have a thick green/black outer peeling that kinda looks like an artichoke with thick leaves. Once you tear it open you see the white flesh that is creamy like custard, but there are seeds hidden in the fruit. It's hard to describe the flavor but I think it has a banana pineapple flavor. Hmmm....maybe I should eat some more to figure it out. 😊

The cheekoo is a little brown fruit that has a thin outer pealing, kinda like kiwis or apples. The meat is actually is yellowish and the texture is a little grainy but very sweet with almost a date flavor. It's pretty good, I had a hard time finding them, but they are worth it.

I believe this Sunday I will go to the Lotus Temple, and see what that's like. This Sunday will be a pretty easy day since Monday morning I will be taking my second test. So I get to study...maybe I will study at the coffee shop.

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31st October 2008

very nice!
Half the fun of being overseas is discovering all the local foods! Too bad you can't bring any fruit back to the states with you.
31st October 2008

Doesn't look that crowded to me. Thank goodness you don't have smell-o-vision. I don't want to smell urine through my computer....
31st October 2008

Ewh!!! I'm glad that I don't have that either, talk about nasty. I'm half tempted to take a picture of the public restrooms but I just can't bring myself to do that yet.
31st October 2008

Make sure you purchase yourself a tailored silk sari while you are in India:-) The fruit looks yummy! Poor me, destined to bananas and apples for the 6-month winter, lol:-) The traffic looks a little scary! You should definately check out some Indian movies while you are there-they can be really good. After all, it is Bollywood!
1st November 2008

I haven't had sitafool in more than 25 years. BTW, you're starting to sound like a local according to your directions!
1st November 2008

sitafool's kinda funny how easily you can move from tourist to local.
2nd November 2008

Blog post idea
How about a post on how Indians view the USA? From a social, political, and personal level? Let us know what they think of us outsourcing to them... things like that.

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