India Gate

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Asia » India
October 18th 2008
Published: October 18th 2008
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Well I am doing much better than yesterday. Thankfully.

I decided that I might as well start checking out some of the sights around New Delhi and I chose to see the India Gate. So I hired a taxi and haggled the driver down to about half the price of the fair. Yeah me I'm getting better at this. So after zipping through traffic and squeezing past busses over flowing with passengers and weaving in and out of rickshaws I made it there. Apparently the taxi driver thought that it was enough that we drove past the India Gate until I told him that I want to actually get out of the vehicle and look around. Shocking I know!

India Gate is a towering arch that was built to commemorate the Indian soldiers who died in WWI. The names of the soldiers are etched on to the walls. It is surrounded by and open park where people can sit and rest or walk along the dirt paths. It's very quiet and clean. Which was nice.

I really wanted to get a picture of me standing in front of the India Gate but I just wasn't able to. Fortunately, I happened to see two men with their video camera and asked them if they would be willing to take a picture for me. Yes I know what you are thinking, and you are right it was kinda foolish to hand over my camera to strangers. But I weighed the odds, they had a big fancy video camera on a tripod and looked a bit touristy as well. So I took a chance and it paid off, the gentleman took some very cool pictures for me. No worries I won't be handing over my camera to strangers anymore.

After taking pictures of the gate I started walking around and taking pictures of the rest of the area. I noticed that there were women dressed in their colorful saris with stick brooms sweeping the dirt paths. I just had to take a picture I'm not sure why. But the young lady who I was taking a picture of noticed me, stopped what she was doing and smiled. That picture will be one of those that I think will always make me smile.

On my way back the taxi driver insisted on taking me to a shop with special deals. This is usual practice for most taxi and rickshaw drivers since they get a part of any sale. So after much protest we arrived at the store, and when he asked me to go in I refused. He had to turn around and leave while the shop owner watched the whole thing. 😊

To see more pictures just copy and paste this link:

My flicker photos

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


18th October 2008

I think the risk is worth it
During my travels I usually find other people with camera's and do the camera swap to take pictures. I figure if we are both tourist, we can help one another out. I am glad you did!
18th October 2008

The Gate
I absolutely love the pictures!! You're right--the lady with the broom smiling is an awesome photo!!!
19th October 2008

I'm glad you like the pictures. I'm pretty happy with them too.
19th October 2008

I love the orientation
of the picture of you and the India gate! It's very artistic.
19th October 2008

They grow them big!
That dragonfly was huge! You were a brave soul. What a beautiful top, a product of India?
20th October 2008

They have alot to eat here. :) Thank you I bought it at one of the local shops, it was a good deal too.

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