Drive Back to Delhi

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Asia » India
September 29th 2017
Published: October 8th 2017
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We set off in good time for the long journey backi to Delhi. We left Jaipur by a different route than the way we entered, which turned out to be a major transport highway. Trucks with goods from northwest India go from Jaipur to Delhi to Mumbai. They don't have a convention of the slowest vehicles going in the left hand lane like we do, this is probably because the left hand lane is likely to have motorbikes, not necessarily very high powered, very slow little trucks or even something coming along the edge the wrong way, so most of the trucks go along in whatever lane they feel like. Our driver was very good at weaving between them but it was rather disconcerting. We also encountered a camel loose on the highway, as it had a halter on it must have escaped from somewhere. For the first part of the drive the landscape was rolling with little hills in the distance and red soil with scattered trees like Australia. We stopped at the usual tourist type restaurant for lunch and Tamara was delighted to find that it had free wifi.

We made good time in spite of having to drive through the city of Gurgaon with the usual terrible traffic. This area has seen a lot of development with large office blocks, factories and apartment blocks. We were all quite tired when we reached the hotel, the same one that we had stayed in before, and I think the driver was very pleased to go off to his guest house and have a rest. There was no problem with check n this time and we had a very nice room on the 9th floor.

We enjoyed our last dinner in India, and one of the waiters spoke good English and took the opportunity to practice it so we had an interesting conversation. We had a very early night as we had arranged to leave at 5:15 am to be sure of getting to the airport for our 9 am flight.


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