Final Thought!!

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March 28th 2008
Published: March 28th 2008
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As we sit in our final internet cafe in India, called 'netfreaks' it is hitting us that we are leaving after spending two months here. Today has been a flurry of activity with all three of us typing away with dedication, trying to get the blog up to date before we leave. We hope you have enjoyed it so far!

So what will be our lasting impressions of India? This is a very tricky question to answer because there has been so many things we have loved and yet so many that we haven't. After seeing the country i really understand the tourism boards motto of "Incredible India!" From the deserts in the north to the sweaty backwaters of kerala there is so much to see and even in our two months here we have barely scratched the surface. Memorable moments are too many to mention. Thank you to Yousef for his constant phone communications and tips. Thank you to Richard as well for the Cottage in Kovallam, that was fantastic!

I know for certain that all of us will miss the food, and there has been a lot of food! We will miss the beaches and the little roadside restaurants, the trains, the buses and the tea! Things we won't miss so much include the word 'rickshaw' when spat at you from great distance by a driver, the smells that you think will make you pass out, pretty much any city and of course the ubiquitous "You look my shop?"

The next time you hear from us we shall be in a whole other country! The adventure continues in part 2....


28th March 2008

As from The Perrett Hotel, Abu Dhabi!!!!!
Hi Ollie et al Just signing in having seen your last blog in India. A lot of your comments on India certainly brought back memories but I travelled first class non-air condition which I was advised was the best! Travelling across Indonesia from Jakarta to Bali was an even great experience! Yes, I am not ensconced in the Perrett 5 star Hotel in Abu Dhabi for the next 3 weeks. Dom says to tell you he's leaving for the Philippines this evening and do your friends in the Philippines receive your blog? He thinks they ought...not that he's bothered to see anything, I had to tell him all. The senior Perretts will be in Abu Dhabi for a few hours on 2nd/3rd April...obviously checking up on their new tenants!! Cheers for now, carry on enjoying yourselves. Best wishes Liz PS Ollie, I am taking good care of Titus for you, he's great fun and has slept on my bed on one night.

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