Akshaya Trust

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March 20th 2014
Published: March 20th 2014
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This organization was started by Narayanan Krishnan. He started this organization because he wanted to help mental ill, helpless, and sick people in his country. The country that this organization is mainly working in is India. It started when he was in India and he saw all the unbearable sights. He saw a man eat his own feces because he was incredible hungry. He knew something had to be done so he started off in a kitchen serving food fore the people who needed it most. More than just feeding them , he also bathes them and gives them water in bottles. This is a great way to help India because they are hold 1/4 of the world's hunger population. Yes I do believe that he is helping because a lot of people are needy and he can be the one who is able to inspire others to help out in this cause. Years from now that percentage will go down, hopefully in our lifetime. My dream is to stop world hunger and It could be possible if we all just care a whole lot and give.

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