India: Delhi and Varanasi Wow!

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Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Varanasi
October 14th 2016
Published: October 15th 2016
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Of course everyone tells you that India is an awakening of all of your senses.Many things are spectacular; some quite confronting. The colours are psychedelic. It is a photographer's dream.

The old part of Varanasi is a maze of tiny crowded lanes. Sometimes we must step aside for a cow or two! Little "hole in the wall" shops sell or manufacture all sorts of things. A sunrise boat ride on the Ganges was like my old geography textbooks, only better! Our guide said "Varanasi is a city of learning and burning" with its large university and cremation ghats on the banks of the Holy Ganges. We had a rickshaw ride that was really unbelievable. Poor guys peddle bicycle driven rickshaw carts, with two passengers, for kilometres; weaving in and out of crazy, yes, crazy traffic. Cows, cars, motorbikes, kids & elderly pedestrians. All with the loud background honking. It was an unforgettable experience! Fabulous!

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15th October 2016

Is this a paid gig?
I'm sold. Who's your editor?

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