Mudumalai National Park

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August 2nd 2008
Published: August 29th 2008
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Woooo it's off to the National Park with a bus load of folk. I'm squeezed onto the back seat with a family which is fun(ny). I think the kids are a bit freaked by the colour of my hair. They keep staring and staring! The bus is 2hours late coming but I can't complain for £2 we get a tour for the whole day around local sights of interest and then all the way into the National Park, bargain! I'm not quite sure exactly what's going on half the time - we visit a forest so people can take photo's standing next to the trees? Later Christina and her boyfriend get chatting to me and explain in English about the places we are visiting which is a breath of fresh air! Finally some lovely people who can actually understand my crazy English accent! When we get to the park we see so many animals in the first couple of minutes that it's like a Disneyland attraction - I wonder if it's all a set-up and they have to bribe the animals with food so they walk across the road at the appropriate moment. Elephants, bison, deer, wild boar (with 10 of the most adorable little babies!) and plenty of birds. I try not to laugh too much when everyone in the bus gets most excited over a peacock!

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29th August 2008

Elephants at Mudumalai
I should say you were lucky to spot so many animals in your first trip. I have some many times returned empty handed. BTW that elephant in your blog is a camp elephant. check out my pictures at
30th August 2008

Thanks for the link - I like your photos! Yes shame the elephants we saw were only the tame ones not the wild ones, but I think we were very lucky to see anything other than leeches considering the time of year!

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