Bakery and Bricks

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July 19th 2012
Published: July 19th 2012
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So far we have had a brilliant time. All the youngpeople have now experienced working in a bakery and we are now completing two building projects. These consist of, a kitchen and toilet at a local primary school in a near by village and a warden accommodation at the deaf school.

It is very different here, and we feel like we should be on the 'Only way is India' as we have acquired celebrity status for no reason! The food is amazing and everyone has been adventerous at trying everything. We are well looked after in the school we are staying at, and everyone is very appreciative of the work we are doing. The boys have been busy setting up lots of cricket and football tournaments. Although they are one nil down after losing against 400 Indian students!

We have now all ventured into the local town and have experienced how manic it is! The internet cafe only has five computers so if you haven't heard from your son/daughter yet it will be that they haven't had a chance to get in there yet, or they have been too busy having a fabulous time, many of them saying the internet can wait until they get home! Yes really!

We are now off to have a sign language lesson, followed by dinner and then practise for our performance on Sunday to 7000 students! We will update again when we can, and hopefully add some pictures if we work out how to on these computers!


19th July 2012

Glad you are safe
and having such a great experience. Thinking constantly of you, glad to hear you are enjoying the food. Enjoy the trek and all the other adventures you will have.
20th July 2012

Sounds like you are having a great time , look forward to seeing some photos

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