Ian Speaks

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December 31st 2007
Published: December 31st 2007
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Sooooo, day 4 of india. 😊
to much to say, to little ways to say it. So far, the country has been overwhelming. the heat, the crowds, the smog(in the cities), the driving, It all blows me away. We arived the 1st day at 3 in the morning in chennai.
first immpression? ehhh, looks like mexico. i walk to our car, get in. we drive aways, the get on the main roa. every one here drives brittish. right side instead of left. as soon as we have driving for 5 minutes, im thinking, "god help me". Its seems there are no traffic laws at all. The biggest car wins. period. you do what you want otherwise. i swear, if this were any other outher country, wed be dead, or in jail. thats how crazy the driving is. but anyways, youve heard the rest.

next big impresion. Madurai temple.
Well, the architechture is amazing. full of crazy statues and colors. and the temple's towers are crazy high. and steep too. you have never seen anything like this. inside, its dark, wet, and cool. we westerners arent allowed to go in the shrines, but outside, it smells like incense, flowers, and smoke. in the center, outside, they have a giant pool, called a tank. like hell if i know what it's for. apperently your not allowed to go into it.

Mountains. - Kodaikanal
A nice change. its no longer hot and steamy. is cool, a little dryer, and somewhat misty in places.very nice change. now, if theres not a building, its all rest. feels like california, except, like everywhere else, theres trash everywhere.everythings covered in moss. were staying in an old brittish cottage. it has a nice earthy smell all around it and its all stone covered in ivy. We went for a small walk. there are giant cliffs everywhere. some fall 3000 feet. its crazy. other than that, its kinda boring but a realxing, and a reliefe form the "third world shuffle" of the cities. all in all, i like it.

tommorow, we move on.


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